Home Assistant Pollennivå

Support for getting current pollen levels from Pollenkollen.se Visit https://pollenkoll.se/pollenprognos/ to find available cities Visit https://pollenkoll.se/pollenprognos-ostersund/ to find available allergens

Available states:

    "i.h.": 0,
    "L": 1,
    "L-M": 2,
    "M": 3,
    "M-H": 4,
    "H": 5,
    "H-H+": 6

Place the folder pollenniva in <HA_CONFIG_DIR>/custom_components Add configuration to your configuration.yaml

This will create sensors named senson.pollenniva_CITY_ALLERGEN_day_[0-3] and the state will be the current level of that allergen.

Example configuration

  - platform: pollenniva
    scan_interval: 4 # (default, optional)
    state_as_string: false # (default, optional, show states as strings as per STATES above)
      - city: Stockholm
        days_to_track: 3 # (0-4, optional)
          - Gräs
          - Hassel
      - city: Östersund
          - Hassel

Custom card for Lovelace can be found here: https://github.com/isabellaalstrom/pollenkoll-card

Pollenkoll Lovelace Card