To do List is a tool that helps you organize your day. It allows you to add a list of things you want to do, marking them as complete as well as removing them from the list.
This work solution constitute of the following features:
Signup and login to register and authenticate a user that wishes to create a to-do list.
A feature to add a task and display tasks in one’s to-to list only after they have logged-in successfully.
Once logged-in, the app displays the tasks that have been added by the logged-in user and provide an option to edit or delete existing tasks on the list.
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- Mysql
- Run git clone(
- Create database with whatever tool available as well as the table for storing users credentials, or get an extract of the file included in resources folder and import the tables, >> make sure you have created the database named todo then import the table into it,
- Under Server Administration on the Home window select the server instance you want to restore database to (Create New Server Instance if doing it first time).
- Click on Manage Import/Export
- Click on Data Import/Restore on the left side of the screen.
- Select Import from Self-Contained File radio button (right side of screen)
- Select the path of .sql
- Click Start Import button at the right bottom corner of window
- Open your database in phpMyAdmin. ...
- Click Databases in the top-menu.
- Click the name of the database you want to import to.
- Click Import.
- Choose file and click Go. ...
- You're done.
- opened via live server to test the markup, the styles, Javascript as well php and mysql's ability to provide signing in and signing up.
- Have some knowledge about HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.
- Javascript Dom Manipulation.
- Mysql
- Understanding of github and github workflow.
- Be familiar with version control system like git.
- Familiarity with flexbox.
- GitHub: @jonasmwansa
- LinkedIn: @jonas mwansa
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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The design of the project was inspired by:
BRIDGING THE GAP SOLUTIONS as part of their interview process prior to actual interviews for full stack software developer