- Using this kind of requests you can get weather data in any location on the earth.
- The current weather data are updated online based on data from more than 200,000 weather stations.
- Access current weather data for any location on Earth including over 200,000 cities! using this app you will be to collect and process weather data from different sources such as global and local weather models, satellites, radars and a vast network of weather stations
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- Run git clone (https://github.com/jomlink/weather-checker-web-app.git)
- once resources are available offline you can the index file with live server, you are good to go, once in browser enter the city you want to fetch termperature values
- alternatively i have deployed it on netlify and see how it works, here
- opened via live server to test the markup, the styles and Javascript
- Have some knowledge about HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.
- Javascript Dom Manipulation.
- Understanding of github and github workflow.
- Be familiar with version control system like git.
- GitHub: @jonasmwansa
- LinkedIn: @jonas mwansa
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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