Encoding the measures taken against COVID 2019


Here we collect a timeline of all containment and public health measure taken in the course of the covid2019 pandemics.

Data format

I started by collecting all the data from cantons and from the federal government. I settled on the current csv format:

date_implemented date_lifted measure unit level source
date when the measure is implemented date when the measure is lifted textual description of the measure identifier of the administrative unit level of the administrative unit (canton, city, federal) url of the source of this measure

Next steps

  • add measures for all cantons and federal and city level measures.
  • code them according to general categories (Veranstaltungsverbot, ...) according to Art. 40 of the Epiemiegesetz

How to contribute

  • Create a pull request and add a separate csv with the data you intend to add. -
  • Stick to the date format dd.mm.yyyy
  • Use commas as separator
  • Quote strings containing commas
  • Data in long format: one measure per row. If multiple measures are decided by the same unit at the same time, make multiple entries.
  • save the file in data