Patchstack API

Some taughts

I am not happy with the way I have saved Vulnerabilities' description in the database, but for this example, I think that this way is enough.

I taught about using Actions, Repositories, Services and DTOs, but it would have incremented the complexity of the project, but having a bigger project, I would definitely do it, for this situation I haven't found the need to use this resources.

I taught about implementing pagination and more query filters but, as the situation above, it would have increased the complexity, anyway, that is something I would do on a bigger project.

I haven't done TDD (Test Driven Development) because I am not 100% conformable with Testing yet, however, if I had more time I would have done Tests, even if not using TDD.

Setup Instructions

Install dependencies

composer install

Create .env file from .env.example

cp .env.example .env

Generate application key

php artisan key:generate

Create a Storage Link to Public Folder

php artisan storage:link

Run migrations

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Build assets

yarn build

Run server

php artisan serve

Run Larastan

composer larastan

Run Laravel Pint

composer pint