
A Delphi component offering resizeable shapes and also a container where it can be created.

Primary LanguagePascalMIT LicenseMIT

Resizeable Shape

A Delphi component written in Pascal offering resizeable shapes and also a container where they can be placed and created.


Inherits from TGraphicControl, can draw resizing anchors and resize itself (TResizeType = (rtTopLeft, rtTopMiddle, rtTopRight, rtMiddleLeft, rtCenter, rtMiddleRight, rtBottomLeft, rtBottomMiddle, rtBottomRight}).


This is a Delphi component, it inherits from TScrollBox and can receive and manage an infinite amount of TResizeShape on itself, store/restore them from a file, it also supports a background image and has a size ratio property which works like a zoom. If the property AutoCreate is true, the user will be able to create shapes at will. The component was created to create and manage components like buttons, switches, tables, [...] over an image.