
A GitOps operator for Hashicorp Nomad

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Nomoporator is a GitOps operator for Hashicorp Nomad.

How to use

Setting up Nomoporator

Environment variables

It's also possible configure Nomoporator via environment variables by setting them like this:

NOMAD_ADDR - Required to overide the default of
NOMAD_TOKEN - Required with ACLs enabled.
NOMAD_CACERT - Required with TLS enabled.
NOMAD_CLIENT_CERT - Required with TLS enabled.
NOMAD_CLIENT_KEY - Required with TLS enabled.

Bootstrapping using a local path

Get help with ./nomoporator bootstrap fs -h

Bootstrap Nomad using a local path

  nomoperator bootstrap fs [path] [flags]

      --base-dir string   Path to the base directory (default "./")
      --delete            Enable delete missing jobs
  -h, --help              help for fs
      --path string       glob pattern relative to the base-dir (default "**/*.nomad")
      --var-path string   var glob pattern relative to the base-dir (default "**/*.vars.yml")
      --watch             Enable watch mode

Global Flags:
  -a, --address string   Address of the Nomad server

Use it like this:

./nomoperator bootstrap fs --base-dir /path/to/base/dir --path jobs/*.nomad

Bootstrapping using a git repository

Get help with ./nomoporator bootstrap git -h

Bootstrap Nomad using a git repository

  nomoperator bootstrap git [git repo] [flags]

      --branch string                  git branch (default "main")
      --delete                         Enable delete missing jobs (default true)
  -h, --help                           help for git
      --password string                SSH private key password
      --path string                    glob pattern relative to the repository root (default "**/*.nomad")
      --ssh-insecure-ignore-host-key   Ignore insecure SSH host key
      --ssh-key string                 SSH private key
      --url string                     git repository URL
      --username string                SSH username (default "git")
      --var-path string                var glob pattern relative to the repository root (default "**/*.vars.yml")
      --watch                          Enable watch mode (default true)

Global Flags:
  -a, --address string   Address of the Nomad server

Use it like this:

./nomoperator bootstrap git --url https://github.com/jonasvinther/nomad-state.git --path jobs/*.nomad --branch main

Run as Nomad job

job "nomoperator" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  group "nomoperator" {
    count = 1
    task "nomoperator" {
      driver = "exec"
      config {
        command = "nomoperator"
        args    = ["bootstrap", "git", "--url", "https://github.com/jonasvinther/nomad-state.git", "--branch", "main", "--path", "jobs/*.nomad"]
      artifact {
        source      = "https://github.com/jonasvinther/nomad-gitops-operator/releases/download/v0.0.2/nomad-gitops-operator_0.0.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz"
        destination = "local"
        mode        = "any"


You can use SSH keys to connect to a private git repository.

  • Generate a public and private key
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "nomoperator" -f "nomoperatordeploykey" -N ""

If you would like to set password remove -N "" and enter the password. Make sure to set --username sshusername and --pasword sshpassword when running nomoperator.

  • Configure the server git repository with public key

  • Generate known_hosts for the git server in /path_to/known_hosts which is accessible via nomoperator.

ssh-keyscan -t ed25519 github.com

If your git server uses non started port use the -p flag.

ssh-keyscan -t ed25519 -p 2222 mygitserver.com

If you would like to avoid using hosts files you can set --ssh-insecure-ignore-host-key=true. This is highly discouraged due to security risks.

  • Run as nomad job
job "nomoperator" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  group "nomoperator" {
    count = 1
    task "nomoperator" {
      driver = "exec"
      env {
        SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS = "/path_to/known_hosts"
        SSH_KEY = <<EOF

      config {
        command = "nomoperator"
        args    = ["bootstrap", "git", "--url", "git@github.com:jonasvinther/nomad-state.git", "--branch", "main", "--path", "/prod-env", "--username", "git", "--password", "", "--ssh-key", "$SSH_KEY"]
      artifact {
        source      = "https://github.com/jonasvinther/nomad-gitops-operator/releases/download/v0.0.2/nomad-gitops-operator_0.0.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz"
        destination = "local"
        mode        = "any"


Variables are yml files. All keys and values in items should be of type string.

path: nomad/jobs/jobname
  key1: "value1"
  key2: "value2"