Multi-population evolutionary algorithms with support for GPU and distributed computing
- avinayakHiive
- bfolkensEarth
- BrianAdamsBay Area, CA
- chitacanSeoul, Korea
- denvera
- doctorcorralAnalitica Predictiva
- eduardosalazPepsiCo
- grzegorz-wcislo
- herrerale
- hl@dazzlerocks
- hongswSeungwoo
- kraleppa@software-mansion
- lenileiro@smartvokat
- loteksIndie IT LLC
- lucasmpavelski
- menegazzi
- NduatiK
- NFSturmLisbon
- ortolanrjCloud
- pgeraghty
- philipbrownyellow flag
- QizotJakub Perżyło
- sherbondyBoxtree
- ssaunderssTSS
- stocks29Buffalo, NY
- swarmcommerceSwarm Commerce
- thelastinuit@The-Last-Inuit
- thiagopromano@signalinsights
- tori-ham
- unbalancedparenthesesLambdaClass
- vasspilkaPrague
- vKxni@ElixirMentor
- waibubu
- walkrArizona, USA
- Youlowe
- yusefmosiah