
NodeJS simple load balancer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


'boldLabancer' is a NodeJS based simple load balancer, handling 3 different endpoints:
GET - /login
POST - /changePassword
POST - /register


Every GET request handled is balanced using roundRobin. Every POST requrst is forwarded to all upstreams available, and send to the client the fastest upstream's response using Promise.race.

Possible features/Addons

  • CommitLog instead of retry forever.
  • Hot reload of upstreams
  • Tests
  • Better logging and handeling exceptions
  • Native docker support


Copy this repo

git clone https://github.com/jonatanzafar59/boldLabancer.git
cd boldLabancer/
npm install


npm start

boldLabancer will listen on port 8080

$ npm start
[1576148437863] INFO  (36841): metrics listeing on 'http://localhost:8080/metrics'
    module: "prometheusClient"
[1576148437865] INFO  (36841): healthCheck listeing on 'http://localhost:8080/health'
    module: "prometheusClient"
[1576148437866] INFO  (36841): boldLabancer is listening on 'http://localhost:8080'
    module: "boldLabancer"


Mocking upstream servers

In order to check differernt scenarios, we need to start ./src/mockController.js using the following command:

npm run start:mocks

now we have upstream servers running (default is 9), and the controller running on port 5000.

mockServer listening on port 3000
mockServer listening on port 3001
mockServer listening on port 3002
mockServer listening on port 3003
mockServer listening on port 3004
mockServer listening on port 3005
mockServer listening on port 3006
mockServer listening on port 3007
mockServer listening on port 3008
mockController listening on port 5000

every incremented upstream has a higher delay, in order to test the POST Promise.race later (3000 fastest, 3008 slowest).

Testing GET

the upstream getting the request returns its ID.

curl http://localhost:8080/login

test (round robin)

$ curl -s http://localhost:8080/login | jq .
  "id": 3000
$ curl -s http://localhost:8080/login | jq .
  "id": 3001
$ curl -s http://localhost:8080/login | jq .
  "id": 3002
$ curl -s http://localhost:8080/login | jq .
  "id": 3003

Testing POST

The fastest upstream getting the request returns its ID.

curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8080/changePassword | jq .

test (fastest)

$ curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8080/changePassword | jq .
  "id": 3000
$ curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8080/changePassword | jq .
  "id": 3000
$ curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8080/changePassword | jq .
  "id": 3000

now, we need to kill the fastest upstream, for this we have /killFastestUpstream in mockController:

$ curl -s http://localhost:5000/killFastestUpstream | jq .
  "status": "OK",
  "id": 3000

we killed upstream with ID 3000. now testing again:

$ curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8080/changePassword | jq .
  "id": 3001


/metrics endpoint returns Promethus format metrics, documented in './src/lib/exporter.js':

  • boldlabancer_request_time
  • boldlabancer_error_counter
  • boldlabancer_request_counter
  • boldlabancer_upstream_request_counter
curl localhost:8080/metrics


/health endpoint returns status 200:

curl -s  http://localhost:8080/health