
  • terraform
  • terragrunt (Well known open source warpper for Terraform)

General approach:

  • Create 2 groups - jnr_dev, snr_dev.
  • Attach relevant policy for each group.
  • On user creation, the group membership can be specified.
  • Directory structure the best practice, recommanded by Terragrunt.

Why only terraform?:

  • every component should have state (user, group, s3bucket etc.), thus Ansible isn't sutible for the job.
  • We can control user creation & deletion simply by running terragrunt apply/destroy.
  • Reusable code

How to handle the state?:

  • The state is saved to s3, in a bucket called 'neu-automat-terraform-state' in region 'eu-west-1'.
  • defined in environments/neu-automat-prod/terraform.tfvars
  • When you first run 'terragrunt apply', it will ask you if you want it to create the bucket of the state for you, so don't worry about creating it.

Where are the AWS Credentials for Terraform stored?

  • environment variables:

The variables for each environment stored in 'environments/ENV/terraform.tfvars'


# create s3 bucket
$ cd environments/neu-automat-prod/s3-buckets
$ terragrunt apply
# create groups
$ cd environments/iam/groups/jnr_dev
$ terragrunt apply
$ cd environments/iam/groups/snr_dev
$ terragrunt apply
# create users
$ cd environments/iam/users/jnr1
$ terragrunt apply