
Inspect RuboCop node pattern matching

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


It's a small gem to help you debug your RuboCop node patterns.

Try on console

git clone git@github.com:jonatas/rubocopular.git
cd rubocopular

Usage of bin/console

Try run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

The node method will allow you to transform your code into AST.

> Rubocopular.node(1)
=> s(:int, 1)
> Rubocopular.node('1')
=> s(:int, 1)
> Rubocopular.node("'1'")
=> s(:str, "1")
> Rubocopular.node("a = 1")
=> s(:lvasgn, :a,
  s(:int, 1))
> Rubocopular.node("def method ; body end")
=> s(:def, :method,
  s(:send, nil, :body))

If you're using bin/console you can also call node or test directly.

> node("a.b.c.d")
=> s(:send,
      s(:send, nil, :a), :b), :c), :d)

You can also navigate on children nodes:

> nodes = Rubocopular.node('class A; a; b; c -> {} end').children.last
=> s(:begin,
  s(:send, nil, :a),
  s(:send, nil, :b),
  s(:send, nil, :c,
      s(:send, nil, :lambda),
      s(:args), nil)))
> nodes.children.map(&:method_name)
=> [:a, :b, :c]

You can test your matchers and inspect them:

> Rubocopular.inspect('(send ...)',"a.b.c.d")
=> [s(:send,
    s(:send, nil, :a), :b), :c), :d]

The inspect is just wrapping the _ and ... to call .test method:

> Rubocopular.test('(:def _method _args (send (send (send _ $...) ...) ... ) )', 'def a; b.c.d.e.f end')
=> [:d]
> Rubocopular.test('(:def _method _args (send (send (send (send _ $...) ...) ...) ... ) )', 'def a; b.c.d.e.f end')
=> [:c]
> Rubocopular.test('(:def _method _args (send (send (send (send (send _ $...) $...) ...) ...) ... ) )', 'def a; b.c.d.e.f end')
=> [[:b], [:c]]
> Rubocopular.test('(:def _method _args (send (send (send (send (send _ $...) $...) $...) ...) ... ) )', 'def a; b.c.d.e.f end')
=> [[:b], [:c], [:d]]
> Rubocopular.test('(:def _method _args (send (send (send (send (send _ $...) $...) $...) $...) $... ) )', 'def a; b.c.d.e.f end')
=> [[:b], [:c], [:d], [:e], [:f]]
> Rubocopular.test('(:def $_ _args (send (send (send (send (send _ $_) $_) $_) $_) $_ ) )', 'def a; b.c.d.e.f end')
=> [:a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f]
> Rubocopular.inspect('(:def _ (:args) (send (send (send (send (send _ _) _) _) _) _ ) )', 'def a; b.c.d.e.f end')
=> [:a, nil, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f]

Check that the examples uses more ... than _ to allow more flexibility on the syntax:

> Rubocopular.test('(:def _method _args (send (send (send (send (send _ $...) $...) $_) $...) $... ) )', 'def a; b.c.d.e(param).f end')
=> [[:b], [:c], :d, [:e, s(:send, nil, :param)], [:f]]
> Rubocopular.test('(:def _method _args (send (send (send (send (send _ $...) $...) $_) $...) $... ) )', 'def a; b.c.d(param).e.f end')
=> nil
Rubocopular.test('(:def _method _args (send (send (send (send (send _ $...) $...) $_) $...) $... ) )', 'def a; b.c.d.e.f end')
=> [[:b], [:c], :d, [:e], [:f]]

Keep in mind ... can be anything and _ is only one thing.

You can also use {} to wrap different nodes

> Rubocopular.test('(${def kwbegin} ... (rescue _ $...))','def a ; rescue => e; end')
=> [:def, [s(:resbody, nil,
  s(:lvasgn, :e), nil), nil]]
> Rubocopular.test('(${def kwbegin} ... (rescue _ $...))','begin ; rescue => e; end')
=> [:kwbegin, [s(:resbody, nil,
  s(:lvasgn, :e), nil), nil]]

In this case the ... was used only for :def but it still needed.

> Rubocopular.test('(${def kwbegin} _ _ (rescue _ $...))','def a ; rescue => e; end')
=> [:def, [s(:resbody, nil,
  s(:lvasgn, :e), nil), nil]]
> Rubocopular.test('(${def kwbegin} _ _ (rescue _ $...))','begin ; rescue => e; end')
=> nil

You can remind that ... is anything and it includes nothing. While _ is always one thing.

Usage of bin/search

You can also do like a "grep" using bin/search:

Trying it in this project:

$ bin/search '(const ... )' lib/*.rb

It will output something like:

lib/rubocopular.rb:5: Rubocopular
lib/rubocopular.rb:7: RuboCop::ProcessedSource
lib/rubocopular.rb:11: RuboCop::ProcessedSource
lib/rubocopular.rb:11: IO
lib/rubocopular.rb:15: RuboCop::AST::Node
lib/rubocopular.rb:16: RuboCop::NodePattern
lib/rubocopular.rb:20: RuboCop::NodePattern
lib/rubocopular.rb:24: RuboCop::AST::Node

It prints nodes that matches with the current code:

$ bin/search '(defs ... )' lib/*.rb
lib/rubocopular.rb:6: def self.node(code)
    RuboCop::ProcessedSource.new(code.to_s, 2.3).ast
lib/rubocopular.rb:10: def self.parse_source(path)
    RuboCop::ProcessedSource.new(IO.read(path), 2.3, path)
lib/rubocopular.rb:14: def self.test(pattern, code)
    code = node(code) unless code.is_a?(RuboCop::AST::Node)
lib/rubocopular.rb:19: def self.inspect(pattern, code)
    RuboCop::NodePattern.new(pattern.gsub(/(\.{3}|_)/, '$\1')).match(node(code))


Use guard to follow the tests running.

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/jonatas/rubocopular. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.