Pinned Repositories

  • 💎 delightful-sustainable-vps: A list of sustainable VPS (Virtual Private Servers) providers.
  • 💎 delightful-libre-hosters: A list of people and organizations who deploy, maintain and offer open source services to the public.
  • 🕊 open-source-for-good: A list of open source projects and organizations trying to fix our broken world.

Wait, where are your repositories on GitHub?

Well, from the past while I've been moving my digital life away from Big Tech and this includes GitHub.

Big Tech companies are profit-driven, massive scale, privacy intrusive and closed source. I want to break out of that. I want small scale, community-driven, cooperatives, privacy aware and open source solutions.

While I'll keep my account active for work and checking open source, my own projects will live on Codeberg – a democratic, community-driven and non-profit Gitea hosting platform.

I moved my GitHub repositories here. If necessary, I can move a project to its own repository.

You can also find me at