A extra light package to Websockets on Flutter/Getx to Android, iOS, Web, Windows, Mac and Linux
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml
getsocket: ^1.0.0
You can install packages from the command line:
with pub
$ pub get
with Flutter
$ flutter pub get
Now in your Dart
code, you can use:
import 'package:getsocket/getsocket.dart';
Create a instance of GetSocket with the uri from your server. use http/https scheme Example:
GetSocket socket = GetSocket(""); // or https to wss
Create events from opening, messages, close and error:
To listen socket opening:
// To listen socket open
socket.onOpen(() {
change(value, status: RxStatus.success());
// To listen messages
socket.onMessage((data) {
print('message received: $data');
// To listen onClose events
socket.onClose((close) {
print('close called');
change(value, status: RxStatus.error(close.message));
// To listen errors
socket.onError((e) {
print('error called');
change(value, status: RxStatus.error(e.message));
// To listen events
socket.on('joined', (val) {
// To emit events
socket.emit('event', 'you data');
// And lastly and most importantly, to connect to your Socket.
// DON'T FORGET TO CALL CONNECT, it will start connection