
An easy helper class to flutter with many support formats. Suport local and web files.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


An easy helper class to flutter with many support formats. Suport local and web files.


if (MediaUtils.isAudio(_path)) {
  // ToDo anything
if (MediaUtils.isVideo(_path)) {
  // ToDo anything
if (MediaUtils.isImage(_path)) {
  // ToDo anything
if (MediaUtils.isVideo(_path)) {
  // ToDo anything
if (MediaUtils.isApk(_path)) {
  // ToDo anything
if (MediaUtils.isPDF(_path)) {
  // ToDo anything

if (MediaUtils.isWord(_path)) {
  // ToDo anything
if (MediaUtils.isTxt(_path)) {
  // ToDo anything