XMPP Status Monitor

A simple flask application that records XMPP status events to a sqlite database (there's an early mongodb database adapter that doesn't really work yet) and displays a summary page of the results.


Run the following commands from the root of the project:

virtualenv -p python3 xmppmon
source xmppmon/bin/activate
pip install .

Running the Application

Set the following environment variables (you could add them to xmppmon/bin/activate):

  • XMPP_DOMAIN the domain of the JIDs you want to monitor.
  • XMPP_USER the XMPP user to log in as (the contact list of this user will be monitored)
  • XMPP_PASSWORD the password of the XMPP_USER above.

Ensure you are within the virtual environment and execute the following command line:

xmpp_monitor scan

This will start collecting the data; to serve the reports run the following command (in a separate process):

xmpp_monitor start

You can start both processes simultaneously (for testing) using the start_all command (see command_line.py for the code).