Creates a shortcode for implementing acf_form directly in the editor
- 13122310958
- aberkowUniversity of Connecticut
- allanminiumPais Media
- bucksterbuck
- cladjidaneKoality
- daggerhartNorth Carolina
- dmjeThirty8 Digital Ltd
- etellewyn
- fcmrepos
- fritzhealyCarbonhouse
- hgrimelidMediebruket
- hostedpixel
- Hube2on a big hill in central NY, USA
- jackdia3
- khromovSchibsted Media Group
- lawrencetaurTaur
- lukecav@liquidweb
- mbagri
- mmarjAwesome Motive (AIOSEO)
- mwasil
- nothingspare
- olamarche
- pateljj04@TIU11
- robgeorgeuk
- sascha2bheysash
- speedpro
- spiderflystudiosSpiderfly Studios
- the-cc-devShreveport, Louisiana, USA
- vishalbasnet23CodePixelz Media
- web506Webmaster506
- wuboy0307Essential Generation Group Ltd.