
Keep many containers from breaking when they are looted.

MIT LicenseMIT

Renewable Loot

🧪 Tested On 7DTD 1.1 (b14) 📦 Automated Release


A simple mod that keeps many containers from breaking when they are looted; similar to how things were before A21.


🗪 If you would like support for this mod, please feel free to reach out via Discord.


Prevent auto-destroy functionality for all loot containers except for the following:

Loot Container Name Reason for Exclusion
playerBackpack dropped backpacks are entities and should be destroyed once emptied
airDrop air drops are entities and should be destroyed once emptied
%buried% / %Buried% any container with the key word buried also configured to disappear on loot should be allowed to do so (causes bugs otherwise)
questRewardSkillMagazines these quest rewards are meant to be looted only once
%infested% special containers rewarded to players who complete infested quests should only be looted once
%twitch% any twitch-related or twitch-spawned containers shouldn't remain once looted

NOTE: Bags dropped by zombies are not managed by the destroy_on_close; some other part of the code handles their cleanup and they will continue to function as they always have.