
My corner on the internet

Primary LanguagePython

To run the dev server type in

make devserver

To stop it type in

make stopserver

Add the following in the in git hooks to publish the website on every commit.

make publish && make github

When upgrading to pelican 3.7 you need to check the settings for markdown http://docs.getpelican.com/en/stable/settings.html

You also need to make sure that the markdown plugin is upgraded to 3.something. These are breaking changes, so it might take some time to fiddle with it.

To install the simple-a theme do the following. It'll symlink the theme so you can work on it.

pelican-themes -s ~/projects/argpar.se/themes/simple-a

Generating pygments css

pygmentize -S monokai -f html -a .highlight > pygment.css