Welcome to the Secure Networking hackathon

Hello and welcome to the 3-day Secure-Networking hackathon, a challenge-oriented hack event from Microsoft. You will be presented with a series of challenges, each one more difficult than the one before.

During this hack your team will focus on designing and implementing networking solutions in Azure that meet the demanding needs of today’s global enterprise organizations. You will analyze the customers’ on-premises environment and design a secure networking solution for their workloads as they are migrated to Azure.

At the end of the hack, you will be able to design and deploy a scalable network architecture on Azure and securely connect Azure workloads to on-premises and external environments. You will know how to identify potential networking design pitfalls, how to architect and implement networking solutions to improve workload performance, scalability, and security in Azure. You will be able to identify multiple design solutions and evaluate which solution is best for the presented scenario.

The Challenges

Each challenge will lead you through a stage of the technical investigation as you gather technical requirements and understand the success criteria. These investigations become more technically challenging as you progress.

You will work as a team to complete each challenge and present your solution to your coach before moving on to the next.

We do not provide guides or instructions to solve the challenges, just a few hints and documentation references that you may find useful. There are multiple ways to solve each challenge, and very likely some we haven't thought of. We're interested in seeing your own unique solutions to each problem, and you should absolutely work with your coaches and the hackathon Team to validate that your solution meets the success criteria.


  • Download and install the latest version of PowerShell 7.x
  • Download and install the latest version of Azure CLI and the Azure PowerShell Module
  • Install your choice of Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software, such as Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code

Required Knowledge

Azure subscription requirements