Clone this repo and follows bellow.
- Postgres
- Elixir with Phoenix
- ReactJS
You could use docker compose to setup the entire environment
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose run --rm backend mix ecto.setup && mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs // Creates database and insert sample data
$ docker-compose up -d
If you want to run it without docker, setup its pieces individually:
It uses a postgres database, follows the setup for your OS.
The backend is made with elixir and phoenix framework. In order to properly setup an enviroment, run:
$ cd backend
$ mix deps.get
$ mix ecto.setup
$ mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
$ mix phx.server
Frontend is made with react. To setup it, run:
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Once you setup your environment, you'll be able to access it via localhost:3000, and access the API will be available at localhost:4000. You can interact with it through the react application or using the API directly.
Docs are available via ex_doc, run mix docs
in project's root and it will be available via doc/index.html
We need to research about locales where consumer complains are made. That complains should have at least the attributes described bellow:
- Title
- Description
- Locale
- Company
Can you provide some services to ingest complains and get some data about its geolocation? For example, to find how many complains a specific company has in specific city?
- Use Restful instead Rest
- Use microservice design if possible
- Use a NoSql Database (if you use a database in your purpose)
- We need to scale your services, decouple your modules if possible
- Use devops mindset
- Use Ruby or Elixir language and patterns
- A repository with read access to,, feel free to choose your provider )
- Documented, clean and testable/tested code
- Documented strategy to deploy and run your code ( on cloud if possible )
- Email me :