Maze Runner Game 🌟

Overview 🎮

Maze Runner is an exhilarating Java-based game developed using the Greenfoot environment. Players navigate through intricate mazes, dodging enemies, and collecting boosts to survive. With a user-friendly interface and challenging gameplay, Maze Runner provides an engaging experience for both beginners and avid gamers.

Features 🕹️

  • Dynamic Mazes: Each game level presents a unique maze that challenges the player's problem-solving skills and dexterity.
  • Enemy Encounters: Dodge and outmaneuver enemies that patrol the maze corridors.
  • Power Boosts: Collect various boosts to enhance your abilities and increase your chances of survival.
  • Lives System: Keep track of your lives and make strategic decisions to avoid losing them all.
  • Winning & Losing Conditions: Strategize your moves to win the game or face the 'You Lose' screen when you're out of lives.

How to Play 📖

  • Use the arrow keys to navigate the maze.
  • Avoid contact with enemies to retain your lives.
  • Collect boosts to gain advantages.
  • Reach the end of the maze to win.
  • Lose all lives and the game ends.

Game Mechanics 🛠️

  • slideAround: Allows the Maze Runner to move around the maze.
  • collectBoost: Functionality for picking up boosts within the maze.
  • maxSpeed: Control the maximum speed of the Maze Runner.
  • mazeRunnerHit: Resets the player's position when hit by an enemy.
  • looseLife: Decrements a life when the player hits an enemy.
  • youLose: Ends the game when the player runs out of lives.

Contributing 🤝

Feel free to fork the project, tweak the code, add new features, and submit pull requests. We appreciate your contributions to make Maze Runner more exciting and enjoyable!

License 📜

Maze Runner is provided under a suitable open source license, which allows for modification and redistribution.

Contact 📫

Got suggestions or need help? Contact us via the repository's issues section, and we'll be happy to assist you.

Enjoy playing and coding Maze Runner!