
Movie Collection Meta Data Getter

Primary LanguagePython

Movie Info 0.7

By Kim Bratzel 2014

This program goes through your movie collection (folders or files within a directory) and gathers extra information about each movie using a third party API.

It generates a nice looking webpage which includes a sortable table containing each movie's title, cover image, etc. It also creates coverflow style view of your movie collection ordered by IMDB Rating.

...This is still very much a work in progress.

Motivation and History

There are two motivations which drove the initial development of this project. Firstly I had access to too many movies which were of very varying quality. I needed a way of quickly sorting them in some kind of meaningful way to avoid watching the terrible ones first. I decided that sorting them by their IMDB rating would be the most efficient way to achieve this. Secondly I thought it would be a fun, bite-sized project to make open-source and allow others to contribute to.

Initially I wrote the whole script in a few hours in one relatively simple and yet long file. After I got it working I thought it would be nice to improve it, move to an OOP paradigm and share it with others. It still requires a lot of improvement and would be perfect for someone starting out their "open-source career" to get involved with.

Change Log

  • 0.7
    • Local Caching
    • Various Improvements
  • 0.6
    • Erroneous Title Correction
    • CoverFlow View
    • Added Some Unit Tests
  • 0.5 Stable Release
  • 0.4 Beta


  • python 2.7+
  • jinja2 (sudo pip install jinja2)


You can install the package by running this command:

sudo python setup.py install

Running The Program

Once you have installed the package you can run the program using:


Alternatively you can just run the program using python directly if you don't want to install the package:

python ./src/main.py

See the usage examples below to understand how to run the program correctly.

Usage Examples

If you haven't installed the package replace "movieinfo" with "python ./src/main.py"

movieinfo -h (help)
movieinfo -v (version)

movieinfo -d ./tests/testMovieDirectory     -html -limit 500    > example-output.html
movieinfo -d ./tests/testMovieDirectory     -l 900              > example-output.txt

movieinfo -dir /Volumes/My_Book/Movies      -html               > example-output.html
movieinfo -dir /Volumes/KIM/TV Shows        -html -limit 500    > example-output.html

The most important part is the directory where your movies are stored. They can be files or folders within that directory.

"> example-output.html" will save all of the output of the program to a file named "example-output.html" in the current directory. You can then open this file to view the generated content.

Example Output

You can also generate some example HTML output by running the following script:



To run the tests (these aren't finished) run this script:



  • Make HTML Pretty
  • Cleanup the code
  • Finish writing the unit tests
  • Cache Lookups Locally (maybe using a pickle?)
  • Write the Wiki
  • Recommend Movies (Machine Learning)
  • Integrate some other APIs?
  • And more...


I would love it if you would contribute to this small project! Please read the contributing guidelines and get started.


Get in touch: kimbratzel.com