
Research project to visualize behaviour of robots (possibly faulty) running the point-convergence algorithm

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Research project to visualize behaviour of robots (possibly faulty) running the point-convergence algorithm

How to Open?

Requires Go > 1.5

In the command-line, go to src, then do go run server.go. An optional flag -o can be provided to automatically open the default browser once the server is launched.

User Features

  • View
    • Zoom-in the view with z
    • Zoom-out of the view with x
    • Move around the view with the arrows
  • During setup
    • click on the axis to spawn a robot
    • Shift + click on the axis to spawn a faulty robot
    • Drag a robot on the axis to change its position
    • Drag the "range" meter to change the range of vision of robots
      • Specific range can be input in the text input above
  • Generating
    • To start generating, click on "Generate"
      • Only allowed if at least 2 robots present
    • Subsequent generations by pressing Enter
      • Newest generation shown at bottom
  • Robot info
    • double-click on a robot to show/hide its info
      • info includes coordinates, label, status
    • Change precisely the position of the robot in the text input below the label
    • Delete a robot by clicking "Delete"
    • Toggle status of the robot (faulty or not) by clicking on the label