

Fatal-Start is a side-scroller browser game inspired by the classic tv series Dragon Ball Z. The objective of the game is to help Goku defeat the enemies and survive as long as possible.

Technologies Used

Fatal-Start is built using ES6 syntax JavaScript and HTML5 canvas to render elements onto the screen. At every requestAnimationFrame, the canvas is cleared of all elements on the screen and re-draws them based on their new coordinates.


Enemy Movements

Enemy movements are calculated by incrementing or decrementing the current enemies position by its own velocity depending on Goku's position.

    if (this.goku.pos[0] > this.pos[0]) {
      this.pos[0] += this.vel[0];
    else if (this.goku.pos[0] < this.pos[0]) {
      this.pos[0] -= this.vel[0];
     if (this.goku.pos[1] > this.pos[1]) {
      this.pos[1] += this.vel[1];
    else if (this.goku.pos[1] < this.pos[1]) {
      this.pos[1] -= this.vel[1];

    this.pos = this.game.wrap(this.pos);
    window.frames1 += 1;


Bullets are calculated by decrementing the score by one any time a player fires a bullet. Depending on whether Goku is in normal form or super-saiyan will determine the type of bullets that will shoot.

  fireBullet() {
    if (this.score.dragonBalls != 0){
      if (this.score.points >= 1750){
        const spirtBomb = new SpirtBomb( {pos: this.pos, vel: [0,-6], ctx: this.ctx, game: this.game } );
      } else {
        const bullet = new Bullet( {pos: this.pos, vel: [0,-6], ctx: this.ctx, game: this.game } );
      this.score.dragonBalls -= 1;

Key Handlers

Fatal-Start uses Keymaster, which is a simple micro-library for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts in web applications. It stores a global master key on the window and allows it to be called inside bindKeyHandlers so whenever a specfic key is pressed, the callback occurs.

  bindKeyHandlers() {
   key('w', () => {
     this.vel = [0, -4];

   key('s', () => {
     this.vel = [0, 4];

   key('a', () => {
     this.vel = [-4, 0];

   key('d', () => {
     this.vel = [4, 0];

   key('j', () => {

Future Implementations


Add sprite animations for when objects collide and smoother transition for Goku turning super-saiyan.

High Score

Implement Google Firebase to keep track of highest scores.

Additional Features

Increase number of enemies from tv-series and add more abilities for Goku.