The highfrequency package contains an extensive toolkit for the use of highfrequency financial data in R. It contains functionality to manage, clean and match highfrequency trades and quotes data. Furthermore, it enables users to: calculate easily various liquidity measures, estimate and forecast volatility, and investigate microstructure noise and intraday periodicity.
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documentation of rThresholdCov
#102 opened by onnokleen - 3
Errors with data.table for rMinRVar and rMPVar
#100 opened by fcocquemas - 2
exchangeHoursOnly doesn't work for xts
#96 opened by jacekszandula - 2
Error when DIRECTION is all 1s.
#99 opened by imitationsasquatch - 3
- 1
- 1
Help with docs and intraday jumps
#98 opened by MislavSag - 2
- 5
- 2
Is the parzen kernel implemented correctly
#91 opened by travis-leith - 1
Interpreting the result from `aggregateQuotes`
#92 opened by stucash - 1
- 4
Import `FKF::fkf` or use it conditionally in `stochPer()` and `loglikBM()`
#88 opened by joshuaulrich - 5
Missing noZeroPrices function
#82 opened by Tigrosso - 0
- 7
- 2
missing convert function
#70 opened by patricklucescu - 4
24/7 trading period
#64 opened by waynelapierre - 3
initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite
#57 opened by MislavSag - 3
idiosyncratic jump
#52 opened by waynelapierre - 1
aggregateTS changes input object
#76 opened by MislavSag - 16
Lee-Mykland jump test
#68 opened by waynelapierre - 3
- 1
Confusion in rCholCov about (log)prices
#77 opened by kboudt - 3
Is this tutorial up to date?
#55 opened by waynelapierre - 1
Improve context in tests
#54 opened by emilsjoerup - 4
Installation Error
#71 opened by englianhu - 6
rKernelCov generating negative result for 15 minutes intraday open-close log return (demeaned)
#67 opened by stucash - 1
Tick data vendor
#46 opened by MislavSag - 4
Performance question
#56 opened by waynelapierre - 7
cojump test
#50 opened by waynelapierre - 0
#8 opened by mindymallory - 1
Functionality to deal with Euronext intraday data
#34 opened by kboudt - 0
Missing functionality for realized regressions. Missing cholcov implementation.
#35 opened by kboudt - 3
POSIXct is very slow
#65 opened by waynelapierre - 1
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Consistent function names
#42 opened by kboudt - 1
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Another issue in aggregatets
#38 opened by emilsjoerup - 2
Fix harModel documentation
#26 opened by onnokleen - 1
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BNSjumptest error?
#31 opened by c00kiemonster - 1
Jumptest formula
#17 opened by onnokleen - 3
- 1
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Issues with FKF
#11 opened by kboudt - 4
Wrong scaling of 'TP' in BNSjumptest
#6 opened by avlanden - 2
medRQ - 52 instead of 53
#10 opened by onnokleen - 1
1 oct 2013 At&t
#9 opened by payseur