*       CLONE DETECTOR         *


- Thomas Davies
- Jonathan Ellis
- Raunak Gupta
- Mark Llewelyn


Run 'ant' on root directory from terminal.
This compiles the program, creates the javadoc, executes jUnit tests, and 
outputs a clone.jar file in dist/lib directory 


java -jar dist/lib/clone.jar <filename>

The following commands can be specified:

-a	specify the algorithm to use. By default clone.jar uses 'StringHashCode'
	Other algorithms that can be used are SHA-1, MD-5, and anything that 
	is available in the Java Standard Library.
-l	specify the minimum clone length. By default clone.jar finds clones whose 
	length are greater or equal to 2.


java -jar dist/lib/clone.jar MyClass.java MyClass2.java -l 5

This will find clones in MyClass.java and MyClass2.java where the minimum clone