DataWeave Scripts

Table of Contents

Commons Scripts

Commons Scripts


Tags: groupBy

      "dateMovement": "2021-06-07T00:00:00-03:00",
      "descriptionExtract": "Payment",
      "value": 24546.74,
      "typeMovement": "A"
      "dateMovement": "2021-06-07T00:00:00-03:00",
      "descriptionExtract": "Payment",
      "value": 24588.46,
      "typeMovement": "D"
      "dateMovement": "2021-06-09T00:00:00-03:00",
      "descriptionExtract": "Payment",
      "value": 2559.38,
      "typeMovement": "A"
      "dateMovement": "2021-06-10T00:00:00-03:00",
      "descriptionExtract": "Payment",
      "value": 2559.38,
      "typeMovement": "D"
%dw 2.0
output application/json  
releases: (payload groupBy ((item, index) -> item.dateMovement) mapObject ((value, key) -> 
  group: {
    dataReference: key,
    detailsLaunch: value map ((item, index) -> {
      description: item.descriptionExtract,
      value: item.value,
      typeMovement: item.typeMovement
  "releases": [
      "dataReference": "2021-06-07T00:00:00-03:00",
      "detailsLaunch": [
          "description": "Payment",
          "value": 24546.74,
          "typeMovement": "A"
          "description": "Payment",
          "value": 24588.46,
          "typeMovement": "D"
      "dataReference": "2021-06-09T00:00:00-03:00",
      "detailsLaunch": [
          "description": "Payment",
          "value": 2559.38,
          "typeMovement": "A"
      "dataReference": "2021-06-10T00:00:00-03:00",
      "detailsLaunch": [
          "description": "Payment",
          "value": 2559.38,
          "typeMovement": "D"

groupBy Multi Values ValueOf

Tags: groupBy valueOf

      "item": 621,
      "orderid": "ON22",
      "qty": 45.0,
      "customer": "813",
      "date": "1988-08-13"
      "item": 63,
      "orderid": "ON22",
      "qty": 7,
      "customer": "813",
      "date": "2001-08-13"
      "item": 54,
      "orderid": "AD546",
      "qty": 9,
      "customer": "813",
      "date": "2014-08-13"
      "item": 611,
      "orderid": "ON222723-JH",
      "qty": 78.0,
      "customer": "890",
      "date": "1990-05-11"
%dw 2.0
output application/json

// Concat customer and ordered as the key to group the items. Use a character that can't be part of any of the fields.
var groupedOrders = payload groupBy ((item, index) -> item.customer ++ "|" ++ item.orderid)
valuesOf(groupedOrders) map ((items, index) -> 
      // I'm getting the first element as all in the items collection should have the same customer and orderid
      "customer": items[0].customer, 
      "orderid": items[0].orderid, 
      // The map here is just to remove the repeated fields
      "data": items map ((item, index) -> item - "customer" - "orderid")
  "customer": "813",
  "orderid": "ON22",
  "data": [
      "item": 621,
      "qty": 45,
      "date": "1988-08-13"
      "item": 63,
      "qty": 7,
      "date": "2001-08-13"
  "customer": "813",
  "orderid": "AD546",
  "data": [
      "item": 54,
      "qty": 9,
      "date": "2014-08-13"
  "customer": "890",
  "orderid": "ON222723-JH",
  "data": [
      "item": 611,
      "qty": 78,
      "date": "1990-05-11"

Map MapObject FlatMap Flatten

Tags: map mapObject flatMap flatten

  "options": [
      "modality": "0101",
      "LinkEM": "N",
      "options": [
          "110": "10.31"
      "modality": "0216",
      "LinkEM": "N",
      "salaries": [
          "110": "4609.40",
          "120": "4554.65",
          "130": "4492.05",
          "140": "13133.82",
          "150": "24801.09",
          "160": "44238.70",
          "165": "37894.92",
          "170": "5769.20"
      "modality": "0299",
      "LinkEM": "N",
      "salaries": [
          "110": "4801.36",
          "120": "2966.25",
          "130": "2966.25",
          "140": "7063.64",
          "150": "13700.26"
      "modality": "1904",
      "LinkEM": "N",
      "salaries": [
          "40": "2000.00"
  "idPerson": "3dc19c13-445d-46eb-9255-137b190229ac",
  "idPersonCRS": 598
  "options": [
      "modality": "0216",
      "LinkEM": "N",
      "salaries": [
          "110": "11790.77",
          "120": "11754.23",
          "130": "11718.25",
          "140": "34944.40",
          "150": "68990.52",
          "160": "51719.49",
          "165": "23170.77"
      "modality": "1350",
      "LinkEM": "N",
      "salaries": [
          "110": "837.02"
      "modality": "1902",
      "LinkEM": "N",
      "salaries": [
          "20": "53200.00"
      "modality": "1904",
      "LinkEM": "N",
      "salaries": [
          "40": "45000.00"
  "idPerson": "681d032c-6023-4a3b-96e4-21f0add95d1b",
  "idPersonCRS": 254
%dw 2.0
output application/json
flatten ((payload map (item, index) -> {
  mapPay : item.options map (itemOptions, indexOptions) -> {
      mapOp: itemOptions.salaries map (itemSalaries, indexSalaries) -> {
          mapVenc: itemSalaries mapObject (value, key, index) -> {
              mapValue: {
                  idPersonCRS: item.idPersonCRS,
                  modality: itemOptions.modality,
                  LinkEM: itemOptions.LinkEM,
                  cdSalaries: key,
                  vlSalaries: value
}) flatMap (valueFlat, index) -> valueFlat.mapPay.mapOp).*mapVenc.*mapValue
  "idPersonCRS": 598,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "110",
  "vlSalaries": "4609.40"
  "idPersonCRS": 598,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "120",
  "vlSalaries": "4554.65"
  "idPersonCRS": 598,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "130",
  "vlSalaries": "4492.05"
  "idPersonCRS": 598,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "140",
  "vlSalaries": "13133.82"
  "idPersonCRS": 598,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "150",
  "vlSalaries": "24801.09"
  "idPersonCRS": 598,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "160",
  "vlSalaries": "44238.70"
  "idPersonCRS": 598,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "165",
  "vlSalaries": "37894.92"
  "idPersonCRS": 598,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "170",
  "vlSalaries": "5769.20"
  "idPersonCRS": 598,
  "modality": "0299",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "110",
  "vlSalaries": "4801.36"
  "idPersonCRS": 598,
  "modality": "0299",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "120",
  "vlSalaries": "2966.25"
  "idPersonCRS": 598,
  "modality": "0299",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "130",
  "vlSalaries": "2966.25"
  "idPersonCRS": 598,
  "modality": "0299",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "140",
  "vlSalaries": "7063.64"
  "idPersonCRS": 598,
  "modality": "0299",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "150",
  "vlSalaries": "13700.26"
  "idPersonCRS": 598,
  "modality": "1904",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "40",
  "vlSalaries": "2000.00"
  "idPersonCRS": 254,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "110",
  "vlSalaries": "11790.77"
  "idPersonCRS": 254,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "120",
  "vlSalaries": "11754.23"
  "idPersonCRS": 254,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "130",
  "vlSalaries": "11718.25"
  "idPersonCRS": 254,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "140",
  "vlSalaries": "34944.40"
  "idPersonCRS": 254,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "150",
  "vlSalaries": "68990.52"
  "idPersonCRS": 254,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "160",
  "vlSalaries": "51719.49"
  "idPersonCRS": 254,
  "modality": "0216",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "165",
  "vlSalaries": "23170.77"
  "idPersonCRS": 254,
  "modality": "1350",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "110",
  "vlSalaries": "837.02"
  "idPersonCRS": 254,
  "modality": "1902",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "20",
  "vlSalaries": "53200.00"
  "idPersonCRS": 254,
  "modality": "1904",
  "LinkEM": "N",
  "cdSalaries": "40",
  "vlSalaries": "45000.00"

number Must Have Zero After Dot

Tags: java double

adds zero when number is integer and has no decimal part. Doc java Double

"amount": 123
%dw 2.0
import java!java::lang::Double
output application/json

update Specific Attribute In Array

Tags: update array

  "pending": [
          "amount": 100,
          "fee": 500
          "amount": 123,
          "fee": 500
  "x": 1
%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload  update {
      case pending at .pending ->  pending map ((item, index) -> item  update {
              case amout at .amount -> amout/100
              case fee at .fee -> fee/100
"pending": [
    "amount": 1,
    "fee": 5
    "amount": 1.23,
    "fee": 5
"x": 1

first and last day of the month

Tags: date

  "date": "2023-02-15"
%dw 2.0

fun firstDateOfMonth(value: Date): Date =
(value as String {format: "yyyy-MM"} ++ "-01") as Date

fun lastDateOfMonth(value: Date): Date =
(((value as String {format: "yyyy-MM"} ++ "-01") as Date {format: "yyyy-MM-dd"}) + |P1M| - |P1D|) as Date
output application/json  
"firstDateOfCurrentMonth": firstDateOfMonth(,
"LastDateOfCurrentMonth": lastDateOfMonth(
"firstDateOfMonth": "2023-02-01",
"LastDateOfMonth": "2023-02-28"

size Of Payload

Tags: size

"squadName": "Super hero squad",
"homeTown": "Metro City",
"formed": 2016,
"secretBase": "Super tower",
"active": true,
"members": [
    "name": "Molecule Man",
    "age": 29,
    "secretIdentity": "Dan Jukes",
    "powers": ["Radiation resistance", "Turning tiny", "Radiation blast"]
    "name": "Madame Uppercut",
    "age": 39,
    "secretIdentity": "Jane Wilson",
    "powers": [
      "Million tonne punch",
      "Damage resistance",
      "Superhuman reflexes"
    "name": "Eternal Flame",
    "age": 1000000,
    "secretIdentity": "Unknown",
    "powers": [
      "Heat Immunity",
      "Interdimensional travel"
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var content = write(payload, 'application/json', {indent: true})
var size = sizeOf(content) / 1024
(size as String {format: '#.00'} ++ ' KB')
".81 KB"

Format Units of Measure Computation

Tags: size format

  "BtoKB": 1024,
  "BtoMB": 2097152,
  "BtoGB": 1196855296,
  "BtoZB": 13486197334567809440000,
  "KBtoB": 12,
  "KBtoMB": 32454,
  "KBtoGB": 2243424,
  "MBtoB": 1394567,
  "MBtoKB": 64366790,
  "MBtoGB": 12345,
  "GBtoB": 1,
  "GBtoKB": 1,
  "GBtoMB": 1,
  "GBtoYB": 1125899906842624,
  "TBtoGB": 1,
  "PBtoGB": 1,
  "EBtoGB": 1,
  "ZBtoGB": 1,
  "YBtoGB": 0.0000000000000023
%dw 2.0
type typesUnitMeasure = 'B' | 'KB' | 'MB' | 'GB' | 'TB' | 'PB' | 'EB' | 'ZB' | 'YB'

fun formatUnitsMeasureComputation(value: Number, inputUnitMeasure: typesUnitMeasure, outputUnitMeasure: typesUnitMeasure, displayUnitMeasure = false) =
if (value > 0)
  do {
    var valueInput = inputUnitMeasure match {
      case "B" -> value
      case "KB" -> value * 1024
      case "MB" -> value * (1024 pow 2)
      case "GB" -> value * (1024 pow 3)
      case "TB" -> value * (1024 pow 4)
      case "PB" -> value * (1024 pow 5)
      case "EB" -> value * (1024 pow 6)
      case "ZB" -> value * (1024 pow 7)
      case "YB" -> value * (1024 pow 8)
    var valueOutput = outputUnitMeasure match {
      case "B" -> valueInput
      case "KB" -> valueInput / 1024
      case "MB" -> valueInput / (1024 pow 2)
      case "GB" -> valueInput / (1024 pow 3)
      case "TB" -> valueInput / (1024 pow 4)
      case "PB" -> valueInput / (1024 pow 5)
      case "EB" -> valueInput / (1024 pow 6)
      case "ZB" -> valueInput / (1024 pow 7)
      case "YB" -> valueInput / (1024 pow 8)
    var round = valueOutput as String {format: '0.00'}
    if (displayUnitMeasure)
      round ++ " " ++ outputUnitMeasure as String
      round as Number
output application/json  
// formatUnitsMeasureComputation(13486197309440000, "B", "PB")
  "BtoKB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.BtoKB, "B", "KB"),
  "BtoMB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.BtoMB, "B", "MB", true),
  "BtoGB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.BtoGB, "B", "GB"),
  "BtoZB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.BtoZB, "B", "ZB"),
  "KBtoB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.KBtoB, "KB", "B"),
  "KBtoMB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.KBtoMB, "KB", "MB"),
  "KBtoGB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.KBtoGB,"KB", "GB", true),
  "MBtoB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.MBtoB,"MB", "B"),
  "MBtoKB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.MBtoKB,"MB", "KB"),
  "MBtoGB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.MBtoGB,"MB", "GB"),
  "GBtoB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.GBtoB,"GB", "B"),
  "GBtoKB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.GBtoKB,"GB", "KB", true),
  "GBtoMB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.GBtoMB,"GB", "MB"),
  "GBtoYB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.GBtoYB,"GB", "YB"),
  "TBtoGB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.TBtoGB,"TB", "GB"),
  "PBtoGB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.PBtoGB,"PB", "GB", true),
  "EBtoGB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.EBtoGB,"EB", "GB"),
  "ZBtoGB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.ZBtoGB,"ZB", "GB"),
  "YBtoGB": formatUnitsMeasureComputation(payload.YBtoGB,"YB", "GB")
"BtoKB": 1,
"BtoMB": "2.00 MB",
"BtoGB": 1.11,
"BtoZB": 11.42,
"KBtoB": 12288,
"KBtoMB": 31.69,
"KBtoGB": "2.14 GB",
"MBtoB": 1462309486592,
"MBtoKB": 65911592960,
"MBtoGB": 12.06,
"GBtoB": 1073741824,
"GBtoKB": "1048576.00 KB",
"GBtoMB": 1024,
"GBtoYB": 1,
"TBtoGB": 1024,
"PBtoGB": "1048576.00 GB",
"EBtoGB": 1073741824,
"ZBtoGB": 1099511627776,
"YBtoGB": 2.59

Calculate time to current day

Tags: calculate date age

  "dateToCalculate": "1995-10-11"
%dw 2.0
output application/json
import between from dw::core::Periods

var age = between(now() as Date, payload.dateToCalculate as Date)
  "years" : age.years,
  "months": age.months,
  "days": age.days   
"years": 27,
"months": 5,
"days": 11


number coercions


Tags: number coercions format

%dw 2.0
output application/json
      noRounding: 0.456,
      roundUP: 0.456 as String {format: "0.00"},
      roundUP: 0.456 as String {format: "0.0"},
      double: 1234.56 as String,
      double1: 1234.56 as Number as String {format: "#,###"},
      double2: (1234.56 + 0.2) as Number as String {format: "#"},
      double3: 1234.56 as Number as String {format: "#,###.00"},
      double4: 1234.56 as Number as String {format: "#,###.##"},
      double5: 1234.56 as Number as String {format: "#,###.###"},
      // comment: java.lang.Integer only works with strings or int, not double (decimal),
      double6: 1234.56 as Number {class: "java.lang.Integer"} as String {format: "#,###.000"},
      int: 12345 as String,
      int1: 12345 as Number as String {format: "#,###"},
      int2: 12345 as Number as String {format: "#,###.##"},
      int3: 12345 as Number as String {format: "#,###.00"},
      int4: 12345 as Number as String {format: "#,###.000"},
      valueX: 123123456.709 as String,
      // round to integer
      valueX1: 123123456.709 as String {format: "\$#,###"},
      valueX1: 123123456.709 as String {format: "#,###.00#%"},
      // round to 2 decimal places
      valueX2: 123123456.709 as String {format: "#,##0.0#"},
      // round to 3 decimal places
      valueX3: 123123456.709 as String {format: "#,###.###"},
      // round to 4 decimal places
      valueX4: 123123456.709 as String {format: "#,###.0000"},
      valueX5: 123123456709 as String {format: "#,##"},
      // round to 3 decimal places, pad to 2 decimal places #,##0.00#
      valueY1: 789789780 as String {format: "#,##0.00#"},
      // round and pad to 3 decimal places #,###.000
      valueY2: 789789780 as String {format: "#,###.000"},
      // 0.7129 round and pad to 3 decimal places #,###.000
      valueY3: 0.7129 as String {format: "#,###.000"},
      // 0.7129 round and pad to 3 decimal places, format as #,##0.000
      valueY4: 0.7129 as String {format: "#,##0.000"},
  "noRounding": 0.456,
  "roundUP": "0.46",
  "roundUP": "0.5",
  "double": "1234.56",
  "double1": "1,235",
  "double2": "1235",
  "double3": "1,234.56",
  "double4": "1,234.56",
  "double5": "1,234.56",
  "double6": "1,234.560",
  "int": "12345",
  "int1": "12,345",
  "int2": "12,345",
  "int3": "12,345.00",
  "int4": "12,345.000",
  "valueX": "123123456.709",
  "valueX1": "$123,123,457",
  "valueX1": "12,312,345,670.90%",
  "valueX2": "123,123,456.71",
  "valueX3": "123,123,456.709",
  "valueX4": "123,123,456.7090",
  "valueX5": "12,31,23,45,67,09",
  "valueY1": "789,789,780.00",
  "valueY2": "789,789,780.000",
  "valueY3": ".713",
  "valueY4": "0.713"


Tags: number coercions roundMode

number coercions functions tostring


Name Description
number The Number value to format.
format The formatting to apply to the Number value. A format accepts # or 0 (but not both) as placeholders for decimal values, and only one decimal point is permitted. A null or empty String value has no effect on the Number value. Most other values are treated as literals, but you must escape special characters, such as a dollar sign (for example, \$). Inner quotations must be closed and differ from the surrounding quotations.
roundMode Optional parameter for rounding decimal values when the formatting presents a rounding choice, such as a format of 0.# for the decimal 0.15. The default is HALF_UP, and a null value returns behaves like HALF_UP. Only one of the following values is permitted:
  • UP: Always rounds away from zero (for example, 0.01 to "0.1" and -0.01 to "-0.1"). Increments the preceding digit to a non-zero fraction and never decreases the magnitude of the calculated value.
  • DOWN: Always rounds towards zero (for example, 0.19 to "0.1" and -0.19 to "-0.1"). Never increments the digit before a discarded fraction (which truncates to the preceding digit) and never increases the magnitude of the calculated value.
  • CEILING: Rounds towards positive infinity and behaves like UP if the result is positive (for example, 0.35 to "0.4"). If the result is negative, this mode behaves like DOWN (for example, -0.35 to "-0.3"). This mode never decreases the calculated value.
  • FLOOR: Rounds towards negative infinity and behaves like DOWN if the result is positive (for example, 0.35 to "0.3"). If the result is negative, this mode behaves like UP (for example, -0.35 to "-0.4"). The mode never increases the calculated value.
  • HALF_UP: Default mode, which rounds towards the nearest "neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case, this mode rounds up. For example, 0.35 rounds to "0.4", 0.34 rounds to "0.3", and 0.36 rounds to "0.4". Negative decimals numbers round similarly. For example, -0.35 rounds to "-0.4".
  • HALF_DOWN: Rounds towards the nearest numeric "neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case, this mode rounds down. For example, 0.35 rounds to "0.3", 0.34 rounds to "0.3", and 0.36 rounds to "0.4". Negative decimals numbers round similarly. For example, -0.35 rounds to "-0.3".
  • HALF_EVEN: For decimals that end in a 5 (such as, 1.125 and 1.135), the behavior depends on the number that precedes the 5. HALF_EVEN rounds up when the next-to-last digit before the 5 is an odd number but rounds down when the next-to-last digit is even. For example, 0.225 rounds to "0.22", 0.235 and 0.245 round to "0.24", and 0.255 rounds to "0.26". Negative decimals round similarly, for example, -0.225 to "-0.22". When the last digit is not 5, the setting behaves like HALF_UP. Rounding of monetary values sometimes follows the HALF_EVEN pattern.

Reference Mulesoft

%dw 2.0
output application/json
      // round DOWN
      roundDownP: 0.456 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"DOWN"},
      roundDownN: -0.456 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"DOWN"},
      // round UP
      roundUPP: 0.454 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"UP"},
      roundUPN: -0.454 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"UP"},
      // round CEILING
      roundCeilingP: 0.456 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"CEILING"},
      roundCeilingN: -0.456 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"CEILING"},
      // round FLOOR
      roundFloorP: 0.456 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"FLOOR"},
      roundFloorN: -0.456 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"FLOOR"},
      // round HALF_DOWN
      roundHalfDownP: 0.456 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"HALF_DOWN"},
      roundHalfDownN: 0.455 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"HALF_DOWN"},
      // round HALF_EVEN
      roundHalfEvenP: 0.455 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"HALF_EVEN"},
      roundHalfEvenN: 0.454 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"HALF_EVEN"},
      // round HALF_UP
      roundHalfUpPI: 0.455 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"HALF_UP"},
      roundHalfUpPD: 0.454 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"HALF_UP"},
      roundHalfUpND: -0.454 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"HALF_UP"},
      roundHalfUpNI: -0.455 as String {format: "0.00", roundMode:"HALF_UP"},
  "roundDownP": "0.45",
  "roundDownN": "-0.45",
  "roundUPP": "0.46",
  "roundUPN": "-0.46",
  "roundCeilingP": "0.46",
  "roundCeilingN": "-0.45",
  "roundFloorP": "0.45",
  "roundFloorN": "-0.46",
  "roundHalfDownP": "0.46",
  "roundHalfDownN": "0.45",
  "roundHalfEvenP": "0.46",
  "roundHalfEvenN": "0.45",
  "roundHalfUpPI": "0.46",
  "roundHalfUpPD": "0.45",
  "roundHalfUpND": "-0.45",
  "roundHalfUpNI": "-0.46"

date coercions

Tags: date coercions

  "pending": [
          "amount": 100,
          "fee": 500
          "amount": 123,
          "fee": 500
  "x": 1
%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload  update {
      case pending at .pending ->  pending map ((item, index) -> item  update {
              case amout at .amount -> amout/100
              case fee at .fee -> fee/100
"pending": [
    "amount": 1,
    "fee": 5
    "amount": 1.23,
    "fee": 5
"x": 1


Semicolon CSV Separator in Form-Data

Tags: form-data csv separator

1;John Silva;28;São Paulo;Engineer
2;Mary Oliveira;34;Rio de Janeiro;Doctor
3;Charles Pereira;45;Belo Horizonte;Lawyer
4;Anna Souza;22;Salvador;Student
5;Peter Lima;39;Porto Alegre;Teacher
6;Marian Santos;27;Curitiba;Designer
7;Luke Almeida;31;Brasília;Systems Analyst
8;Fernanda Rocha;25;Recife;Architect
9;Richard Costa;50;Fortaleza;Businessman
10;Patricia Ribeiro;29;Manaus;Psychologist
11;Bruno Martins;42;Belém;Accountant
12;Juliana Mendes;36;Florianópolis;Marketing Manager
13;Gustavo Araújo;24;Natal;Developer
14;Renata Ferreira;33;João Pessoa;Consultant
15;Philip Barros;37;Campo Grande;Administrator
16;Isabela Lima;26;Aracaju;Nutritionist
17;Thiago Gonçalves;41;Maceió;Veterinarian
18;Laura Almeida;30;São Luís;Teacher
19;Andrew Neves;35;Teresina;Civil Engineer
20;Gabrielle Costa;28;Vitória;Journalist
%dw 2.0
import dw::module::Multipart
input payload csv separator=';'
output multipart/form-data
Multipart::field("file", payload, 'text/csv;separator=";"', "userInfo.csv")
Content-Type: text/csv;separator=";"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="userInfo.csv"

1;John Silva;28;São Paulo;Engineer
2;Mary Oliveira;34;Rio de Janeiro;Doctor
3;Charles Pereira;45;Belo Horizonte;Lawyer
4;Anna Souza;22;Salvador;Student
5;Peter Lima;39;Porto Alegre;Teacher
6;Marian Santos;27;Curitiba;Designer
7;Luke Almeida;31;Brasília;Systems Analyst
8;Fernanda Rocha;25;Recife;Architect
9;Richard Costa;50;Fortaleza;Businessman
10;Patricia Ribeiro;29;Manaus;Psychologist
11;Bruno Martins;42;Belém;Accountant
12;Juliana Mendes;36;Florianópolis;Marketing Manager
13;Gustavo Araújo;24;Natal;Developer
14;Renata Ferreira;33;João Pessoa;Consultant
15;Philip Barros;37;Campo Grande;Administrator
16;Isabela Lima;26;Aracaju;Nutritionist
17;Thiago Gonçalves;41;Maceió;Veterinarian
18;Laura Almeida;30;São Luís;Teacher
19;Andrew Neves;35;Teresina;Civil Engineer
20;Gabrielle Costa;28;Vitória;Journalist


Remove Content-Type Separator from form-data

Tags: form-data csv separator

Content-Type: text/csv;separator=";"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="userInfo.csv"

1;John Silva;28;São Paulo;Engineer
2;Mary Oliveira;34;Rio de Janeiro;Doctor
3;Charles Pereira;45;Belo Horizonte;Lawyer
4;Anna Souza;22;Salvador;Student
5;Peter Lima;39;Porto Alegre;Teacher
6;Marian Santos;27;Curitiba;Designer
7;Luke Almeida;31;Brasília;Systems Analyst
8;Fernanda Rocha;25;Recife;Architect
9;Richard Costa;50;Fortaleza;Businessman
10;Patricia Ribeiro;29;Manaus;Psychologist
11;Bruno Martins;42;Belém;Accountant
12;Juliana Mendes;36;Florianópolis;Marketing Manager
13;Gustavo Araújo;24;Natal;Developer
14;Renata Ferreira;33;João Pessoa;Consultant
15;Philip Barros;37;Campo Grande;Administrator
16;Isabela Lima;26;Aracaju;Nutritionist
17;Thiago Gonçalves;41;Maceió;Veterinarian
18;Laura Almeida;30;São Luís;Teacher
19;Andrew Neves;35;Teresina;Civil Engineer
20;Gabrielle Costa;28;Vitória;Journalist

%dw 2.0
input payload multipart
output multipart
parts : {
  file: {
    headers : {
      "Content-Type": "text/csv",
    content :
Content-Type: text/csv
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="userInfo.csv"

1;John Silva;28;São Paulo;Engineer
2;Mary Oliveira;34;Rio de Janeiro;Doctor
3;Charles Pereira;45;Belo Horizonte;Lawyer
4;Anna Souza;22;Salvador;Student
5;Peter Lima;39;Porto Alegre;Teacher
6;Marian Santos;27;Curitiba;Designer
7;Luke Almeida;31;Brasília;Systems Analyst
8;Fernanda Rocha;25;Recife;Architect
9;Richard Costa;50;Fortaleza;Businessman
10;Patricia Ribeiro;29;Manaus;Psychologist
11;Bruno Martins;42;Belém;Accountant
12;Juliana Mendes;36;Florianópolis;Marketing Manager
13;Gustavo Araújo;24;Natal;Developer
14;Renata Ferreira;33;João Pessoa;Consultant
15;Philip Barros;37;Campo Grande;Administrator
16;Isabela Lima;26;Aracaju;Nutritionist
17;Thiago Gonçalves;41;Maceió;Veterinarian
18;Laura Almeida;30;São Luís;Teacher
19;Andrew Neves;35;Teresina;Civil Engineer
20;Gabrielle Costa;28;Vitória;Journalist
