
:star: ASeom's dotfiles

Primary LanguageVimL


Here are some delightful dotfiles for my everyday use.

MacBook Pro

Disable requiring password after sleep.
Disable "Disable automatic login" in the security preferences.
Map Cmd + Space for selecting next input source.
Install XCode and Homebrew.

git clone --recursive https://github.com/aseom/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles && ./install.sh

Run update.sh for updating all submodules under the vendor directory.


brew install vim --with-lua  # neocomplete requires lua
brew cask install macvim     # or install MacVim
vim +PlugInstall +qa         # Install plugins


brew install zsh

# As default shell
sudo cp -p /etc/shells /etc/shells.backup_
echo $(which zsh) | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
chpass -s $(which zsh)
