
notes on converting CSRG SCCS to git

Primary LanguagePerl

This is a bunch of notes and patches on converting the CSRG SCCS
to a git repo for ease of browsing.

VCS::SCCS does not currently try to group commits with the same
message in a similiar timeframe into one commit spanning
multiple files.  It has to be patched to handle %G% and
%sccs.include.filename%, both of which are heavily used in

There seem to be a few cases of multiple usernames for one person
and 'bill' seems to be either Bill Joy or Bill Jolitz depending
on the time of the commit.

- Obtain CSRG Archive CD set from http://www.mckusick.com/csrg/
- Install VCS-SCCS from CPAN (http://search.cpan.org/dist/VCS-SCCS/)
- apply SCCS-fix.patch to SCCS tree copied off CD 4
- from the top level of the SCCS tree
rm -f local/ditroff/ditroff.old.okeeffe/driver/SCCS/s.ifontinfo.c-bad
rm -f old/adb/adb.vax/SCCS/s.expr.c.bad
rm -f usr.bin/passwd/SCCS/s.passwd.c.bad
rm -f sys/vax/uba/SCCS/S.ik.c.corrupted
rm -f sys/kern/SCCS/s.subr_rmap.c.sav
- copy 'map' and the 'copyright' to the top level SCCS dir
- run sccs2git-r-noignore from the top level of the sccs tree

sccs2git-r-noignore is one of the examples from VCS::SCCS 0.22
- modified so the timestamps match the sccs logs
- modified to not create a .gitignore
- modified to use the 'map' file that attempts to map logins to names
- timezone changed to US/Pacific instead of local timezone
it has the same license as the rest of VCS::SCCS

    Copyright (C) 2007-2014 H.Merijn Brand

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the same terms as Perl itself.