
Steps to Create

  1. touch server.js
  2. npm init -y
  3. npm install express
  4. Build basic express server. a. Require the express package. b. Create an instance of express (probably app) c. Define a PORT d. Listen on the PORT e. Add middleware for JSON POST body

Scope of the Application

Algorithm API is a server api which is designed to take in a user's input and return the requested response using basic algorithmic patterns.

Endpoint: Filter Words

This endpoint takes in a string and determines if any "bad" words are included. If so, it filters them out and returns the string.


const badWordsArray = ["banana", "apple", "orange"];

const stringToEvaluate = "I really hope I get an apple";

message = "I really hope I get an "

Steps to Use Filter Words

  1. Filter Words is available on the endpoint "/api/filter"
  2. Filter Words requires a POST body in the following JSON format:

{ "stringToEvaluate": "Banana rama fo fee fi fo fama" }

  1. Filter Words returns a response in the following format:

{ "error": false, "message": " rama fo fee fi fo fama" }

Steps to Deploy to Heroku

  1. Login to Heroku if not already logged in.
  2. Add and Commit changes to local git.
  3. Push changes to GitHub (if applicable)
  4. Run heroku create
  5. Run git push heroku master