A restaurant needs to keep track on how many ingredients it has left in stock after each order has been placed. They also want to know how many times a recipe has been ordered. This app is a ui that will let management keep track of these things in a cohesive dashboard.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
- View pending orders and items inventory on same screen.
- Top navbar with current number of cancelled, pending, in progress, and fulfilled orders is visible.
- Create Order checks for items in stock and will not create the order if appropriate items are not in stock.
- Items may be filtered by color.
- Ability to cancel an order in pending state within three minutes of the order being created (suggest a back-end update for created DTTM).
- Order should be in "pending" state when first created and transitioned into "in progress" after 3 minutes of being created (suggest building a CRON scheduler microservice to handle this at the database layer ).
- Would like to extract data store into a redux store.
- Recipe Round Up is built in React using typescript.
- Bootstrap CSS framework was imported for initial mockup.
- App is automatically deployed to AWS Amplify on push to master or develop.
- Unit tests (primarily only snapshots) are run with React Testing Library
- A re-usable error boundary wraps each component to ensure the dashboard will continue to load, even if an error occurs in a single child component.
Master Branch can be found here: https://master.d389g2auxz2t46.amplifyapp.com/
Develop Branch can be found here: https://develop.d389g2auxz2t46.amplifyapp.com/