
Testing what happens to RubyMotion namespaced classes in Objective C

Primary LanguageRuby

Testing RubyMotion Namespaces in Objective C

This is an experimental RubyMotion project that demonstrates how classes defined inside Ruby namespaces end work when accessed from Objective C. To test this, I defined three classes all named SomeClass. The first is defined in Test.m as an Objective C class. The second is defined in app/app_delegate.rb as Hidden::SomeClass and the third as Hidden::Deeper::SomeClass.

When you build and run the application, you'll see this output:

Testing what Ruby namespaces look like
NSStringFromClass(SomeClass) => SomeClass
NSStringFromClass(Hidden::SomeClass) => RBSomeClass
NSStringFromClass(Hidden::Deeper::SomeClass) => RBSomeClass2

namespace-test[42431:c07] Accessing classes and calling them from Objective C
namespace-test[42431:c07] Getting class from string SomeClass
namespace-test[42431:c07] sent message to SomeClass
namespace-test[42431:c07] Getting class from string RBSomeClass
namespace-test[42431:c07] sent message to Hidden::SomeClass
namespace-test[42431:c07] Getting class from string RBSomeClass2
namespace-test[42431:c07] sent message to Hidden::Deeper::SomeClass

Here's what I deduce from these results:

  • Namespaced Ruby classes do not clash with Objective C classes of the same name.
  • The actual Objective C class name of a namespaced class starts with "RB".
  • If there is more than one namespaced class with the same name, it gets an incrementing integer tacked on to the end.