
Force.com project template

Primary LanguageShell

Sample App


Project Description goes here..


How to use this template:

  1. Start by cloning this template into a new folder git clone https://github.com/jonathanrico/forcedotcom-project.git my-new-project
  2. Cd to your new project directory and open this folder in your favorite text editor. cd my-new-project
  3. If you decide to fork this project, you'll have to remove the origin from the original repo git remote rm origin
  4. Link your project to an existing remote repository git remote add origin https://github.com/yourusername/my-new-project.git

How to initialize your Force.com project :

  1. Make sure ant is installed in your local box

  2. Navigate to the build folder : cd build

  3. Rename the sfdc-build.properties.example file to sfdc-build.properties

  4. Update your sfdc-build.properties with your credentials and endpoint.

    If you're deploying against a non-https environment, make sure you un-comment protocol=http line in the properties file

    If you're deploying against a Sandbox or Production environment with Sites enabled, set the "guestLicense" property to empty

  5. Retrieve metadata by running the retrieve target ant retrieve

  6. Remove any of the metadata folders that are not being used by your project

How to deploy using Ant :

  1. Navigate to the build folder : cd build
  2. Deploy to your org with the following command : ant deploy -DrunAllTests=false -DcheckOnly=false

How to create new files :

You'll have to create them in Salesforce and then run the retrieve target or create them manually in your editor.