This dotfile project is retired. See jonathansick/sickconfig for new rcm-based dotfiles.
These dotfiles are shamelessly based on Dan-FM's and oh-my-zsh. This isn't a fork of those since I wanted to patiently sort through each file, select what I want, and carry-over design choices from my previous generation of dotfies.
With curl
curl -L | bash
This will run clone these dotfiles into $HOME/dotfiles/
, install sickvim in $HOME/.vim/
and link appropriate dotfiles into $HOME
Note: the branch name in URL of the bootstrap script can be changed to support the system you're bootstrapping into.
By default bootstrap scripts set the remote URL of both this dotfiles repository and sickvim to use HTTPS so that they can be bootstrapped into virtual machines that don't have my Git credentials. If you're me, however, you can run
$HOME/dotfiles/tools/; $HOME/.vim/
to change the git origin remote URLs to use SSH instead.
to remove all links created by the bootstrap script.
The $HOME/dotfiles/
directory won't be deleted.
My hope with these dotfiles is to maintain a generic cross-platform dotfile in the master
branch, while maintaining branches specifically for Mac OS X, ubuntu, EC2 machine images, etc..
Available localizations are:
I started a wiki to maintain notes, both about these dotfiles, and for platform-specific software build tricks.