macOS's allows you to apply rules to emails as you receive them, but curiously, not after they've been sitting in your inboxes for a while.
Why would you want to act on old email?
Perhaps you've configured Sanebox to sort and send fliers to a @Fliers
Those emails might be useful, but they also have a short shelf-life.
Why manually delete old fliers if a computer can do it for you?
And the Mailscripts project was born.
Note: these scripts work for me, but you'll want to fork this project and customize your own scripts based on your own inboxes.
— delete emails in@Fliers
older than 14 days.
The best way to use these scripts is to have them automatically launch on a regular interval with launchd, which is cron for macOS.
LaunchControl is a nice app for creating launchd jobs.
Here's an example of a launchd job configured with LaunchControl that runs purgefliers.scpt
every Saturday at noon.
- Purgefliers is based directly upon this StackOverflow answer:
This repo is assembled by Jonathan Sick. I'm @jonathansick on Twitter; say hello.