
Development repository for the php Chef cookbook

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php Cookbook

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It installs and configures PHP and the PEAR package management system. Also includes resources for managing PEAR (and PECL) packages, PECL channels, and PHP-FPM pools.



  • Debian, Ubuntu
  • CentOS, Red Hat, Oracle, Scientific, Amazon Linux
  • Fedora


  • Chef 12.7+


  • build-essential


  • node['php']['install_method'] = method to install php with, default package.
  • node['php']['directives'] = Hash of directives and values to append to php.ini, default {}.
  • node['php']['pear_setup'] = Boolean value to determine whether to set up pear repositories. Default: true
  • node['php']['pear_channels'] = List of external pear channels to add if node['php']['pear_setup] is true. Default: ['pear.php.net', 'pecl.php.net']

The file also contains the following attribute types:

  • platform specific locations and settings.
  • source installation settings


This cookbook includes resources for managing:

  • PEAR channels
  • PEAR/PECL packages


PEAR Channels are alternative sources for PEAR packages. This resource provides and easy way to manage these channels.


  • :discover: Initialize a channel from its server.
  • :add: Add a channel to the channel list, usually only used to add private channels. Public channels are usually added using the :discover action
  • :update: Update an existing channel
  • :remove: Remove a channel from the List


  • channel_name: name attribute. The name of the channel to discover
  • channel_xml: the channel.xml file of the channel you are adding
  • binary: pear binary, default: pear


# discover the horde channel
php_pear_channel "pear.horde.org" do
  action :discover

# download xml then add the symfony channel
remote_file "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/symfony-channel.xml" do
  source 'http://pear.symfony-project.com/channel.xml'
  mode '0644'
php_pear_channel 'symfony' do
  channel_xml "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/symfony-channel.xml"
  action :add

# update the main pear channel
php_pear_channel 'pear.php.net' do
  action :update

# update the main pecl channel
php_pear_channel 'pecl.php.net' do
  action :update


PEAR is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components. PECL is a repository for PHP Extensions. PECL contains C extensions for compiling into PHP. As C programs, PECL extensions run more efficiently than PEAR packages. PEARs and PECLs use the same packaging and distribution system. As such this resource is clever enough to abstract away the small differences and can be used for managing either. This resource also creates the proper module .ini file for each PECL extension at the correct location for each supported platform.


  • :install: Install a pear package - if version is provided, install that specific version
  • :upgrade: Upgrade a pear package - if version is provided, upgrade to that specific version
  • :remove: Remove a pear package
  • :reinstall: Force install of the package even if the same version is already installed. Note: This will converge on every Chef run and is probably not what you want.
  • :purge: An alias for remove as the two behave the same in pear


  • package_name: name attribute. The name of the pear package to install
  • version: the version of the pear package to install/upgrade. If no version is given latest is assumed.
  • channel:
  • options: Add additional options to the underlying pear package command
  • directives: extra extension directives (settings) for a pecl. on most platforms these usually get rendered into the extension's .ini file
  • zend_extensions: extension filenames which should be loaded with zend_extension.
  • preferred_state: PEAR by default installs stable packages only, this allows you to install pear packages in a devel, alpha or beta state
  • binary: The pear binary to use, by default pear, can be overridden if the binary is not called pear, e.g. pear7


# upgrade a pear
php_pear 'XML_RPC' do
  action :upgrade

# install a specific version
php_pear 'XML_RPC' do
  version '1.5.4'
  action :install

# install the mongodb pecl
php_pear 'Install mongo but use a different resource name' do
  package_name 'mongo'
  action :install

# install the xdebug pecl
php_pear 'xdebug' do
  # Specify that xdebug.so must be loaded as a zend extension
  zend_extensions ['xdebug.so']
  action :install

# install apc pecl with directives
php_pear 'apc' do
  action :install
  directives(shm_size: 128, enable_cli: 1)

# install using the pear-7 binary
php_pear 'apc' do
  action :install
  binary 'pear7'

# install the beta version of Horde_Url
# from the horde channel
hc = php_pear_channel 'pear.horde.org' do
  action :discover

php_pear 'Horde_Url' do
  preferred_state 'beta'
  channel hc.channel_name
  action :install

# install the YAML pear from the symfony project
sc = php_pear_channel 'pear.symfony-project.com' do
  action :discover

php_pear 'YAML' do
  channel sc.channel_name
  action :install


Installs the php-fpm package appropriate for your distro (if using packages) and configures a FPM pool for you. Currently only supported in Debian-family operating systems and CentOS 7 (or at least tested with such, YMMV if you are using source).

Please consider FPM functionally pre-release, and test it thoroughly in your environment before using it in production

More info: http://php.net/manual/en/install.fpm.php


  • :install: Installs the FPM pool (default).
  • :uninstall: Removes the FPM pool.

Attribute Parameters

  • pool_name: name attribute. The name of the FPM pool.
  • listen: The listen address. Default: /var/run/php5-fpm.sock
  • user: The user to run the FPM under. Default should be the webserver user for your distro.
  • group: The group to run the FPM under. Default should be the webserver group for your distro.
  • process_manager: Process manager to use - see http://php.net/manual/en/install.fpm.configuration.php. Default: dynamic
  • max_children: Max children to scale to. Default: 5
  • start_servers: Number of servers to start the pool with. Default: 2
  • min_spare_servers: Minimum number of servers to have as spares. Default: 1
  • max_spare_servers: Maximum number of servers to have as spares. Default: 3
  • chdir: The startup working directory of the pool. Default: /
  • additional_config: Additional parameters in JSON. Default: {}


# Install a FPM pool named "default"
php_fpm_pool 'default' do
  action :install



Include the default recipe in a run list, to get php. By default php is installed from packages but this can be changed by using the install_method attribute.


This recipe installs PHP from packages.


This recipe installs PHP from source.


Simply include the php recipe where ever you would like php installed. To install from source override the node['php']['install_method'] attribute with in a role or wrapper cookbook:

Role example:

name 'php'
description 'Install php from source'
  'php' => {
    'install_method' => 'source',


This cookbook is maintained by Chef's Community Cookbook Engineering team. Our goal is to improve cookbook quality and to aid the community in contributing to cookbooks. To learn more about our team, process, and design goals see our team documentation. To learn more about contributing to cookbooks like this see our contributing documentation, or if you have general questions about this cookbook come chat with us in #cookbok-engineering on the Chef Community Slack


Copyright: 2011-2018, Chef Software, Inc. Copyright: 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.