A software emulator for the python-seabreeze
: Python module for Ocean Optics spectrometers.
The purpose of this library is to create an all-software emulator of the python-seabreeze
library, so that developers (like the authors) who wish create packages which utilize
seabreeze need not have a physical spectrometer on-hand to test their software.
Currently only parts of the seabreeze.cseabreeze
backend and parts of the
modules are emulated (here as seatease.cseatease
respectively), but more functionality is planned in
later versions. Additionally, the hardware emulator currently assumes only a single USB2000-like
spectrometer is connected (though this can be changed, see seatease.cseatease.hardware
This USB2000-like device is treated like it is constantly measuring a 500nm spectral feature with constant photon flux, so changing the integration time will change the peak's apparent number of counts.
To install the current stable version:
$ pip3 install seatease
It is highly advised that one references the python-seabreeze
documentatation, as many of the quirks of seatease
are intended so as to mimic the
actual python-seabreeze
Also see the examples folder for slightly more details.
The main frontend functionality provided is the seatease.spectrometers.Spectrometer
class, which hosts all the main calls to the underlying (emulated) hardware device,
instances can be created three ways:
# Get any spectrometer
import seatease.spectrometers as s
spec = s.Spectrometer.from_first_available()
# Get a specific spectrometer
spec = s.Spectrometer.from_serial_number("your-serial-number")
# List the devices, and instantiate one of them
dev_list = s.list_devices()
print(dev_list) # Prints list of available devices
spec = s.Spectrometer(dev_list[0])
With the spectrometer instance, the exposed methods allow retrial of emulated hardware attributes:
# Print wavelengths
# Set integration time
spec.integration_time_micros(10*1000) # 10 ms
# Print intensities
Have fun!
Again, the Backend API
for the seabreeze.cseabreeze
package is helpful in understanding the following:
The main backend functionality provided is the seatease.cseatease.SeaTeaseDevice
class, which hosts all the main calls to the underlying (emulated) hardware device.
However, it cannot (or rather, should not when trying to faithfully emulate seabreeze
be instantiated directly, but rather the instances are instantiated when the module is
imported, and a reference to these instances are kept in the seatease.cseatease.SeaTeaseAPI
instances. So, to actually get a SeaTeaseDevice
from seatease.cseatease import SeaTeaseAPI
dev_list = SeaTeaseAPI().list_devices()
print(dev_list) # Prints available devices
dev = dev_list[0]
All the features of the device are stored as attributes of the dev.f
, for example:
# Get wavelengths
# Set integration time
dev.f.spectrometer.set_integration_time_micros(100*1000) # 100 ms
# Get intensities
Alternatively, the same attributes are exposed in dictionary form in dev.features
# Get wavelengths
# Set integration time
dev.features["spectrometer"][0].set_integration_time_micros(100*1000) # 100 ms
# Get intensities
We are happy for any contributions from others! In particular, those with experience
using other Ocean Optics spectrometers (besides just the USB2000) with python-seabreeze
who can shed light on the expected features and functionality from those devices.
Also, just fleshing out the rest of the backend API.
For development, clone this directory, setup a python virtual environment in the main directory and install:
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ python3 setup.py install
After making changes to the source, re-run that last line to re-install.
If you want to use jupyter lab to edit and test, add the venv kernel to jupyter's local files so that you can run the .ipynb files:
(venv) $ pip3 install ipykernel
(venv) $ python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name=venv
To remove the kernel when you are done:
(venv) $ jupyter kernelspec uninstall venv
Create the source files and upload:
(venv) $ python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
(venv) $ python3 -m twine upload dist/*
See: here for more details.
The authors would like to thank Andreas Poehlmann and collaborators for creating the original python-seabreeze
package, which this library emulates in software. His package has been indispensable to our research.
The authors would also like to thank Caylee Van Schenck for the excellent pun after which this library is named.