
Example of deploying a machine learning model with Google Cloud

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Google Cloud ML model deployment example

This repo provides a simple example of deploying a machine learning model with Google Cloud AI Platform and App Engine.

By deploying a model, you can make the model available to end users through a public interface, or integrate model into a larger system that will use its predictions in some way.

Google Cloud currently supports deployment of Tensorflow, Scikit-Learn, and XGBoost models.

Creating the ML model with scikit-learn

Run create_ml_model.ipynb to create the model file (model.joblib). You will need to upload this file to a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

Deploying the model to AI Platform

Install and initialize the Cloud SDK.

Authorize the SDK: gcloud auth login

You also need to enable the AI Platform Training & Prediction API through the Google Cloud console.

First, create a model in the AI Platform. You need to specify the project, region, and model name.

gcloud ai-platform models create <model name> --region <region> --project <project name>

Now you are ready to create your first model version:

gcloud ai-platform versions create <version> \
 --project <project name> \
 --model <model name> \
 --origin=gs://<bucket name>/<folder containing model file> \
 --runtime-version=2.6 \
 --framework=scikit-learn \
 --python-version=3.7 \
 --region=<region> \

This can take several minutes.

Testing the model

You can interact with the model through a REST api. Google provides a Python API to make this easy. First, create the service object:

from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions
import googleapiclient.discovery

client_options = ClientOptions( api_endpoint=f'https://{REGION}-ml.googleapis.com')
service = googleapiclient.discovery.build('ml', 'v1', client_options=client_options)

name = f'projects/{PROJECT_ID}/models/{MODEL_NAME}/versions/{VERSION_NAME}'

data = [[ 39.1,18.7,181.0,3750.0 ]] # example row from penguins dataset
responses = service.projects().predict(
    body={'instances': data}

Creating a simple web app with App Engine

Now you can run ML predictions from a web app in Flask.

Before you start, be sure to activate the Cloud Build API.

First, create the app:

gcloud app create --project <project name> --region <region>

In the app directory, modify main.py and specify your region, project ID, and model name. Then run gcloud app deploy. Then you should be able to access the web app in your web browser -- gcloud app browse will pull up the page for you.