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Key Features: Expense Tracking: JetExpense allows users to effortlessly record their expenses, helping them keep track of their spending habits and stay within budget. Income Management: Users can easily manage and monitor their income sources, providing a complete view of their financial situation. Dark and Light Themes: The app supports both dark and light themes, ensuring a visually appealing and customizable user experience. Learn Jetpack Compose: The app serves as a practical example to teach students about Jetpack Compose, Google's modern UI toolkit for Android app development.

Usage: JetExpense was created as part of a learning experience on Udemy. Students can follow the course to understand how to build a complete expense management app using Jetpack Compose.

Disclaimer: This app is created solely for educational purposes and to showcase the capabilities of Jetpack Compose. It is not intended for production use, and users should not rely on it for financial management without proper auditing and security measures.


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