
This Fuse module uses the VBox access library to open a VBox supported VD image file and mount it as a Fuse file system.

Primary LanguageC


RADIATION WARNING - use at your own risk


This is a heavily hacked version of vdfuse-v82 with a couple of fixes
incorporated thanks to pivcon & wd5gnr on the vbox forum

to compile :

	sh macbuild.sh

if you need VBox headers

	svn co http://www.virtualbox.org/svn/vbox/trunk/include/

the include/ dir in this tarball was downloaded that way on 31st July 2011


to use it (for example read-only, first partition) :

	sudo ./vdfuse -tVHD -a -f /Path/To/VHD /Path/To/Mountpoint
	hdiutil attach -imagekey diskimage-class=CRawDiskImage -nomount /Path/To/Mountpoint/PartitionN
	mount -t YourFS /dev/diskK /Path/To/ParitionMountPoint
