👋 Hello There, I'm Jonathan's!

My name is Jonathan Lopez Torres.

I'm looking for knowledge and learn as much as possible.

If you want to contact me, feel free to reach out at

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Languages and Tools:

graphql   HTML5   CSS3   JavaScript      React   Vue   SQL   Mongodb   Git   Shell   Visual Studio Code   Docker   Kubernetes   AWS  

Technical Skills 💻

  • Programming & Cloud: FrontEnd(Css, Html, JS, React JS, Vue , Svelte (Basic)), Node js, Spring Boot, Graphql, Shell Script, Aws, Kubernetes

  • SO: Mac OS, Linux, Unix

  • Other Technical Skills: SQL,Oracle, Mysql, Docker, Web Scraping, OOP(Object-oriented Programming), API Call, Git, GitHub, Weblogic 11g 12c Administration

Latest Book Read 📕


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