Summer project Geosoftware 1

This is our solution for the final project in geosoftware 1, in summer semester 2019. It is based on a forked solution of Aufgabe 7.


The code of this project can be found on github:

Openweathermap api key

Please got to to get your openweathermap API key
It needs to be inserted into the token.js file that can be found here: /public/javascripts.

Movebank account

you will be asked to enter movebank credentials, so a account is necessary.

How to set things up

To start the application via npm navigate to the app´s folder, open your commandprompt and enter
npm install npm start
The application can be found with your browser at http://localhost:3000
To start the application via docker navigate to the app´s folder, open your commandprompt and enter docker-compose up The application can be found with your browser at


Can be run by typing npm test