User friendly, Garbage-free, and cross-platform process, module and memory interfacing via the power of Java
- alimsk
- anantharaman93
- burmanmDataStax
- carlhuth
- Crystallinqqsleep
- Deemoxy
- edipo2s@HearthSim
- freemanZYQ
- inv3r53
- j3rr7Earth
- JireNJ / NY / PA
- jonatinoVolta
- Kindra32
- LawtoNDA17
- leftspace89Turkey
- leventov
- LuckyTainLooking for Job
- mahmoudimusVery Good Security
- MattAlp@Shopify
- Midnoclose
- MrTinSweden
- mswdevAnimal Farm, LLC & Brands
- n1colas-v
- nachoverdonValencia, Spain
- Om1n0usAlpheratzTeam
- philippTheCat
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- saidatta
- stevimeisterUnited Kingdom
- techtideLondon
- TheNewTimeGamer
- viliuszam
- vinaykrofficialNew Delhi
- wang-shun
- YulawOne