Type decorators

Unless specified, in this document typeHint is either null, undefined, Number, String, Object, Array, Symbol, an instance of Type, an object literal ({}) or an array literal ([])

how to use

(syntax will evolve as the decorator proposal evolve)

class Example {
    accessor a

    @typed(Number, _=> Number)
    increment(v) {return v++}

the @typed decorator can take one or multiple typeHint as parameter

function typed(...typeHint) { /* ... */ }

If some of the typeHints are not instances of Type, it will be transformed into one by calling the type function

Type creation functions


If there is no type hint (type()) will return Type.null,
if there are multiple type hints, call oneOf with the same arguments,
if the hint is an object literal ({}), call recordOf with it,
if the hint is an array literal ([]), call tupleOf with it,
any other hint means only value of the same type will be accepted,
e.g. String only accept strings; Number only accept numbers

comparison with Typescript

// decorator
let a

// Typescript
let a: number


Will accept any of the specified typeHints

comparison with Typescript

// decorator
@typed(oneOf(Number, String))
// or
@typed(Number, String)
let a

// Typescript
let a: number | string


When there are multiple typeHints, is equivalent to arrayOf(anyOf(...typeHints))

comparison with Typescript

// decorator
@typed(arrayOf(Number, String))
let a
let b

// Typescript
let a: Array<number | string>
let b: Array<number>


Will accept an array with the specified size and type at positions

comparison with Typescript

// decorator
@typed(tupleOf(Number, Number, String))
// or
@typed([Number, Number, String])
let a

// Typescript
let a: [number, number, string]


Will accept an object with the same shape (Unlike other function, this one only accept one argument)

comparison with Typescript

// decorator
@typed(recordOf({a: Number, b: String}))
// or
@typed({a: Number, b: String})
let a

// Typescript
let a: {a: Number, b: String}


Accept null and undefined in addition to specified type
When there are multiple typeHints, is equivalent to _null(anyOf(...typeHints))

comparison with Typescript

// decorator
let a

// Typescript
let a?: number


Used to type a function :

  • the return value is indicated by a lambda returning the wanted typeHint
  • multiple overloads can be set, separated by return values
  • if no return value is defined, will default to Type.null

@typed will detect when it's decorating a function and don't need the call to func

comparison with Typescript

// decorator
@typed(func(Number, Number, _=> Number))
let a
// or
@typed(Number, Number, _=> Number)
function add(a, b) {return a + b}

// Typescript
let add: (number, number) => number
// or
function add(a: number, b: number): number {}

Special types


Will throw when trying to change it's value

Same as never in typescript


Will accept any value

Same as any in typescript