
Multi repo edit/commit/pr tool

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Multi repo edit/commit/pr tool


go install github.com/jonaz/mgit@latest

Example usage

there are help for all command and subcommands

mgit --help

example clone and replace

mgit --dir=tmp --bitbucket-url=https://bitbucket-server clone --whitelist my-cool-repo,my-cool-repo2
mgit --dir=tmp replace --with asdfasdf\$1 --regexp "gograce.New(.*)" --file-regexp=go$

example command

mgit --dir=tmp command go mod tidy

Run using playbook.yml

Example using a playbook to do multiple things to a repo playbook.yml:

- repos:
    - ssh://git@git.asdf.com/repo1.git
    - ssh://git@git.asdf.com/repo2.git
    - ssh://git@git.asdf.com/repo3.git
  targetBranch: update-gograce
  commitMessage: |
    Update gograce to support sleep before shutting down

    set sleep to 5 sec which we have tested and works fine with k8s and traefik to get rid of 502's when we deploy
    - command: go get -u github.com/jonaz/gograce
    - command: go mod tidy
    - regexp: gograce.NewServerWithTimeout\((.*)\)
      with: "gograce.NewServerWithTimeout($1, 5 * time.Second)"
      fileRegexp: "go$"
    - command: go fmt ./...

run with mgit playbook run playbook.yml open multiple PRs when done: mgit --bitbucket-url=https://bitbucketserver.com pr

example to clone repos containing content

mgit -c https://git.domain clone --has-file config.json --content-regexp '"team": "mycoolteam"'
mgit -c https://git.domain playbook generate
# edit the playbook
mgit -c https://git.domain playbook run playbook.yml
mgit -c https://git.domain playbook pr --mode api playbook.yml



field description
command runs command in shell. cannot be used with regexp. If used together with contentRegexp
with what to replace matched regexp with. capture groups example $1 is supported
fileRegexp only change in files where the filename matches the regexp
pathRegexp only change files in matching path. Includes the full path from the repo root and not only the filename
contentRegexp only change in files which match this regexp.