
A wrapper around the SMM (Super Mario Maker) Cemu API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What it is

A NodeJS module for interacting with the SMMDB (Super Mario Maker) api.


$ npm i --save smm-api


(optional) Sets the application SMMDB API key. Key is used for uploading and staring courses

Accepts one argument:

  • key: SMMDB API Key
const smm = require('smm-api');


Gets overall SMMDB stats

Accepts one argument:

  • callback: Callback run when method finishes
    • error: An error, if there was one
    • stats: SMMDB stats
const smm = require('smm-api');

smm.getStats((error, stats) => {
	if (error) throw error;

If no error, returns object:

  • courses: Number of SMM courses (total 3DS and WiiU)
  • courses64: Number of SM64M (Super Mario 64 Maker) levels
  • accounts: Number of accounts

searchCourses({parameters}, callback)

Searchs SMMDB courses

Accepts two arguments:

const smm = require('smm-api');

	title: 'Test'
}, (error, courses) => {
	if (error) throw error;

starUnstarCourse(courseId, callback)

Star and unstar a course (requires API key)

Accepts one argument:

  • callback: Callback run when method finishes
    • error: An error, if there was one
    • course_data: Data of the stared/unstared coures
const smm = require('smm-api');

// Stars the course
smm.starUnstarCourse('59ab69804fa8fa5fb0946df3', (error, course_data) => {
	if (error) throw error;
    // Course is now stared by you

// Unstars the course (call method 2nd time)
smm.starUnstarCourse('59ab69804fa8fa5fb0946df3', (error, course_data) => {
	if (error) throw error;
    // Course is now unstared by you

downloadCourse(courseId, target, callback)

Downloads course by ID to a specified folder

Accepts three arguments:

  • courseId: ID of the course
  • path: Path to folder to save course to
  • callback: Callback run when method finishes
    • error: An error, if there was one
const smm = require('smm-api');
smm.downloadCourse('59722397f160681a439d9b92', './', (error) => {
	if (error) throw error;

uploadCourse(buffer, callback)

Uploads course from given path (requires API key)

Accepts two arguments:

  • buffer: Compressed level buffer
  • callback: Callback run when method finishes
    • error: An error, if there was one
    • course_data: Data of the uploaded course
const smm = require('smm-api');

let buffer = fs.readFileSync('Course.zip');
smm.uploadCourse(buffer, 'Test Course', (error, course_data) => {
	if (error) throw error;