
:video_game: :blue_book: A web app to track your git progress in a fun, gamified way.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Lets Git It is a web app to gamify work on repositories, specifically designed for bootcamp students.

Our Mission

Intensive learning programs present unique struggles for even the most dedicated students to recall and track their progress in these extraordinarily fast-paced settings. Additionally, learning management systems can be sterile and disconnect students from their own feelings of autonomy and responsibility for their own learning. Our goal is to create a product that empowers students to self-report their own progress and adds an element of fun motivation as they traverse these challenging alternative-learning programs.


Getting Started

  • To begin using Let's Git It, players will need to sign in with their Github Accounts through the Github Oauth, and grant access to private repositories and organization repositories to the app.
  • After registration, users can select the day of the week, week of the Dev Bootcamp Program, and their cohort to automatically insert the day's challenges into the game to-do list
  • Players can gain points for completing individual releases of these challenges, as well as other helpful metalearning practices, like closely reading instructions and asking for clarification.
  • Over time, players advance levels based on their total points, and can even become a leader in a top scoreboard for the entire campus or their cohort!

MVP Functionality

  • Leaderboard
  • Create Notes
  • Scoreboard
  • Have Fun!


Team Dynamics

  • Schedule

    • 9am - 7pm
  • Stand-Ups

    • 9am
    • 2pm
    • 5:40pm
  • Check-In Protocol

    • Previous work
    • Future work
    • Blockers
  • Teamwork

    • Horizontal slice
    • Pair for challenging features
    • PR author does not merge their own PR
    • Collaborate to fix and solve merge conflicts
    • Branch for each feature
    • Scrum board

Next Steps

  • Game Balancing and Testing
  • Commit Integration with GitHub
  • Google Calendar Integration


We conform to the AirBnB Ruby Style Guide and the AirBnB JavaScript Style Guide

Our Git Work Flow conforms to the DBC Git Workflow