This repo contains unit tests for validating various implementation of the moveit_core::KinematicsBase interface class that are exposed as plugins. These implementations include ikfast, kdl and the pr2 arms. The tests consist of invoking commonly used methods such as initialize, searchPositionIK, searchPositionIK (with callback), getPositionIK and getPositionIK (with multiple solutions). The ikfast unit tests load up the ikfast kinematics solvers for the KukakR210 and Motoman SIA20d robots. The MotomanSIA20d arm is used here in order to verify that ikfast handles the redundant joint case appropriately.
Install wstool in order manage the repos inside the workspace
sudo apt-get install python-wstool
Cd into the 'src' directory of your catkin workspace and run the following:
wstool init . wstool merge wstool update rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src cd .. catkin_make
Cd into the catkin workspace directory and run the following
catkin_make kinematics_base_test_utest
Cd into the catkin workspace directory and run the following
catkin_make run_tests_kinematics_base_test