
[In Progress] A project to edit the OCR scan of the Ainu New Testament by archive.org for accuracy and to convert it to the usfm standard.

Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

Ainu: New Testament


A project to edit the OCR scan of the Ainu New Testament by archive.org for accuracy and to convert it to the usfm standard.

  • Manually going over the full text and checking every word.
  • The USFM markup will be added once the text has been checked and compared to the pdf version on archive.org

Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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  • [] 40-Matthew
  • [] 41-Mark
  • [] 42-Luke
  • [] 43-John
  • [] 44-Acts
  • 45-Romans
  • [] 46-1Corinthians
  • [] 47-2Corinthians
  • [] 48-Galatians
  • [] 49-Ephesians
  • [] 50-Philippians
  • 51-Colossians
  • [] 52-1Thessalonians
  • 53-2Thessalonians
  • [] 54-1Timothy
  • [] 55-2Timothy
  • [] 56-Titus
  • [] 57-Philippians
  • [] 58-Hebrews
  • 59-James
  • [] 60-1Peter
  • [] 61-2Peter
  • 62-1John
  • 63-2John
  • 64-3John
  • 65-Jude
  • [] 66-Revelations