A simple DataTable with built in fuzzy finding using fuse.js, tailwind, and svelte
npm install fuzzytable
import FuzzyTable from 'FuzzyTable'
The Data structure going into the table is defined in the head param, each element of the array has 5 options:
- id: The name of the key from which to pull data for this column
- name: The presentation value
- searchable: value to disable search
- class: classes to add to the column
- link: a.href to wrap the row element
- base: the prefix path upon which the id is appended
- id: The name of the key from which to pull data for this link
- icon:
- base: the prefix path upon which the id is appended
- id: The name of the key from which to pull data for this icon
<FuzzyTable data={countries} {t}
{ id: "tt", name: "Title",
link: {base: `/countries`,id: 'id'},
icon: {base: '/images/flags.svg#', id: 'id'}
{id: "po", name: "Population", type: "int", searchable:false, class: "text-center"},
{id: "rn", name: "Region"},
{id: "lc", name: "Languages", type: "int", searchable:false, class: "text-center hidden lg:table-cell"},
{id: "pr", name: "Refugees", type: "int", searchable:false, class: "text-center hidden lg:table-cell"},
{id: "pl", name: "Literacy Percentage", type: "int", searchable:false, suffix: '%', class: "text-center hidden lg:table-cell"},
]} />